WWE Kid Sized Intercontinental Replica Title Belt...
WWE Kid Sized Intercontinental Replica Title Belt, Hello there,Recently I found all of my old wrestling memorabilia. One of those items was my official Replica WWE intercontinental title belt. I got this as a present back in when I was crazy for anything wrestling. I am not a huge fan of wrestling anymore and have no use for the title. I have displayed this title belt on my wall for a while now, and has no scratches what so ever. I have taken great care of this item, and hope it will go to somebody who will love it as much as I did!The replica title comes with its own WWE carry bag, so you can take the title almost anywhere. I have taken this title belt to 1 WWE live event in . Like I said hardly any scratches.The ideal price I am looking for is £110 (without P&P). I would like the title to be collected, unless you are willing to pay for extra P&P. At the moment I don't have an estimate for how much P&P will be. If you would like more information, photos, etc. Please drop an email, and when emailing please have the subject line WWE Title.Thank you for taking your time to read:) £, Washington, .