Wee Ride Safe Front Delux child bike seat
In very good condition, hardly used in original box. The WeeRide safe front child seat isn't actually front mounted, but is centre mounted. The deluxe version is the seat you can buy with extra padding for your child's comfort. Front mounted seats put all the child's weight on the handlebars which means steering is more difficult, your child gets thrown around, and most importantly, are unsafe in if you need to stop quickly. This centre mounted seat puts all the weight centrally and your child is safely wrapped in your arms. Box Contains 1 x Bike Seat Features: Patented bar puts weight in centre of bike and not on front like other front seats Fits all bikes including oversized head tubes and full suspension of 16 inch (except drop handle bars) Comes with its own bar so fits to ladies and men's bikes 5 Point safety strap and enclosed movable footrests for child safety Recommended for ages from 1-4 years The seat can be fitted easily within 20 minutes and can be removed in seconds for solo riding Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit