Kribensis: tropical community fish
If you have any further questions to the information below then please call me. Approximate purchase size: 3-6cm Images used are some of the actual fish for sale. They are young adults. Scientific Name: Pelvicachromis pulcher How easy are they to care for? We would class this as an Easy level of care. How large can they grow? Males 10cm, Females 8cm Where in the world are they from? Kribensis can be found throughout Nigeria and the Cameroon What is the ideal number to keep together? Can be kept in groups, as with all Cichlids care should be taken when spawning as Males can become territorial What water conditions do they require? Temperature ranges of Celsius and will accept pH ranges from . What should you feed them? Will happily feed on a range of frozen, live, flake and pellet foods. Shelled peas are a favourite How compatible are they with other fish? Will coexist with a wide range of Dwarf Cichlids and Community Species. Care must be taken when breeding as they become territorial. Can they be bred in captivity? A very easy to breed species. Most typically in need of a cave such as half of a terracotta pot. Females will lay upwards of 300 eggs on the roof of the cave before being fertilised by the Male. Females will tend to the eggs whilst the Male defends the cave entrance. Once free swimming the parents will shepherd the Fry around the tank until they are large enough to fend for themselves. Read More