Luton Van going to the South of France (NICE) on the 1st of
Luton Van going to ong>theong> South ong>ofong> France (NICE) on ong>theong> ong>1stong> ong>ofong> March Β£120 per cubic Meter for ong>theong> ong>1stong> 3 Meter`s ong>theong>n Β£100 per Meter. Starting point at Red Lodge (Burry St Emdounds Sufolk), can arrange pick up within 5 miles ong>ofong> this point, (please call for more info), or you can bring it to store hear until ong>theong> tip is ready to go. Going Via: Calais, Bethune, Arras, Staint Quenin, Reimes, Chaion-En-Champagne, Troyes, Dijon, Chalon-Sur-Saone, Macon, Lyon, Velance, Avignon, Aix-en-Provence, Draguignan, Trejus, Cannes, Antibes and Nice. Please call me for more information on, Mark Please could you also supply a list ong>ofong> each item you send.