Gorgeous Chilean Rose Tarantula with Heated Vivarium
The tarantula (or Deco as we call her) is docile and likes to clean up after herself (no kidding, she often drags her cricket-remnants into one corner). She likes large brown silent crickets, mostly to eat, but she has been observed to turn them into housemates for a few days, only to the surprise-devour them. She molted a year ago and did it like a pro. We refer to her as a "She" but this was an amateur assessment so it cannot be guaranteed. The price includes the vivarium and accessories. The vivarium is a very good quality vivarium (original price was ~Β£100), with a heated mat (in a space below the floor so she can't burn her feet), thermostat, and thermometer. In the summer the heat mat is not necessary but if she is kept in a colder room in the winter it's advisable to bring her comfort levels up just a notch. Read More