Tarantula: salmon pink, worlds 3rd largest known species!
The Brazilian salmon pink bird-eating tarantula (Lasiodora parahybana), also simply known as the salmon pink or LP, is a relatively large tarantula from north-eastern Brazil. L. parahybana is considered to be the third largest tarantula in the world (behind Theraphosa blondi and Theraphosa apophysis; Brazilian salmon pink tarantulas are very popular in captivity; this is for a number of reasons. Their appearance, both in size and color, makes them desirable. Their willingness to sit out in the open also makes them popular. They are also a cheaper option than a T. blondi; L. parahybana reproduces in large numbers to the point that the price of spiderlings drops dramatically.[4] Another point is their ease of handling. They are considered ‘handleable’ in the hobby; however, the merits of handing tarantulas are often debated. One must take into account the size and power of the fangs when handling. This is a juvenile that will grow to roughly 3 x it's current size!..... that means it will be one big beastie when fully grown (you'll need two hands to hold it!) Sold as an individual however full set up including; tank, water bowl, terracotta lair, substrate, heat mat if required.... For £30 extra..... £90 in total this is all you need for instant low hassle super cool pet! Read More