Raleigh Cycle Helmet. Large. Black. Used Twice.
This is a large size Raleigh Missile Black Shadow Helmet. Actual measurements cms. its weight is gms and it's made in China. I've used it twice if that; once when we went down to Suffolk where its flat and easy to pedal. Ever since we've not used any of our bikes or our helmets, which we bought new, since. The helmet is stylish and comfortable but, more importantly, it goes some way towards protecting your head and your brain if you come off. I always cringe when I'm driving and I see a cyclist without a helmet. I've got a sear belt, an air bag and metal which will crumple to absorb impact, a cyclist without a helmet has got nothing between him and what might be a brain injury unit. A few quid on a helmet can make all the difference. You don't have to buy my helmet - just get a helmet. But if you do want mine, it's £6 and worth every penny. Read More