special needs trike
I had this for my daughter who has special needs and she loved going out on it but now has grown out of it so been out and bought her the next size up which has cost me lots but its worth it to see her smile, this is still like new and i payed £375 for this new and i am selling it for £150 ono, Designed specifically for children aged 4 to 9, the Robin is robust tricycle that is built to last. The chunky steel frame is constructed by hand before being given a beautiful coat of oven-baked paint, meaning it can stand up to even the roughest of treatment. Everything about the Robin has been thoughtfully put together for comfort and safety: the steering stop combines with the powerful front calliper brake to provide stability and control, the single speed fixed gear is easy to pedal without complication, the wide padded saddle is at once comfortable and supportive, and the moulded plastic wheels and fully enclosed chaincase prevent any injury to wandering hands. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit