Croozer 2 Kids bike trailer, can be used as a jogger or stand alone stroller
After buying this for our little boy, who have now grown out of it, we are selling this Croozer bike trailer. It is a Croozer 2 and can be used as a bike trailer or as a buggy. When using it as a buggy, it has a jogger wheel and a stroller wheel, depending on what speed you want to travel at! There is a large and sturdy handle which can be easily fixed on and taken off. When using it as a bike trailer, it can be easily attached to the bike frame with the trailer attachment (as can be seen in one of the photos above). Inside the trailer, there is plenty of room for two young children to sit comfortably. The attached two in one combi cover is great for keeping the flies off them in the heat and keeping them dry when it rains. The whole trailer folds up, which makes it much easier to store. The only thing we are missing from the original set is the safety flag and one strip of Velcro (doesn't affect its performance) Our little boy loved riding around in the trailer and we felt happy that he (and his friends) were safe and secure in there. There is some wear and tear around the canvas on the right hand side of the trailer, where it has been rubbed by the canvas. Aside from this, it is in good condition. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit