Paule Gabriel Antoine - Theologia Moralis Universa - 2
Paule Gabriel AntoineTheologia Moralis Universa a reverendo patre Philippo de Carboneano pridem notis, et appendicibus ad usum missionarium potissime ad sacros christianorum ritus, et ecclesiae orientalis disciplinam spectantibus amplificata.Venetiis, Apud Antonium Zatta, Inside are numerous treatisesCoscienza, Leggi, Peccati, Virtù teologiche, Virtù religiose, Benefici ecclesiastici, Obbligazioni su certi stati e offici, Giustizia, diritto e restituzione, Contratti, Sacramenti, Censura e irregolarità (scomunica, sospensione) etc..Latin text.The first volume contains:Tome I, part one - pages: 1 (b) + frontispiece + 168Tome I, part two - IV + 140 pagesTome II, part one - IV + (b) pagesThe second volume contains:Tome II, part two - 1 (b) + IV + 184 pagesTome III, part one - IV + 168 pagesTome III, part two - pages: IV + (catalogue of some books edited by Antonio Zatta) + 1 (b)Full parchment binding.Size: approx 18 x 25 x 3,5 cm for each volume. Good condition; some wear and tear on the upper part of the spine; a few stains on the pages. Read More