FREE Introductory Talk on Meditation in Cardiff
ong>FREEong> ong>Introductoryong> ong>talkong> on Ascension ong>meditationong> Wednesday November 11th, 7.30pm-9pm (approx). Venue - Room 4, Cardiff Quakers House, 43 Charles Street, Cardiff CF10 2GB. (Building is on right hand side as you drive. Parking to the side of property). Video: What is Ascension ong>meditationong>? If you're like a lot of people out there, the word "ong>meditationong>" can be kind of intimidating. Maybe it conjures up images of bearded yogis sitting on mountaintops in mysterious, far-off places like Tibet. Maybe you think you need to be seriously religious or seriously dedicated to be able to meditate - or that ong>meditationong> takes too much effort and commitment for a "normal" person like you. But maybe...all that isn't actually true. There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about ong>meditationong> out there - trust us, we've heard them all! We also know that those myths and misconceptions have very little to do with what ong>meditationong> is really all about. In fact, the practice of ong>meditationong> is just as accessible to beginners as it is to that yogi on the mountain. Some ong>meditationong> techniques are so simple and effortless that children can master them and put them to use. This is great news, because ong>meditationong> has a number of measurable, real-world benefits including improved brain function, better health, clearer focus, a boost in creativity and more balanced moods, not to mention happiness, stronger relationships and even inner peace. The best news is, adding the benefits of ong>meditationong> to your life can be as simple as breathing. You don't need to put in hours of intensive work or take a spiritual journey to some far-off land, and you don't need to embrace any specific religion or belief system. All that you need is the desire to learn, and someone who knows what they're doing to teach you how to do it. The Ishayas of The Bright Path are here to do just that. Why Do I Want To Learn ong>Meditationong>? You may not realize it, but you're here right now for a reason. Maybe you're feeling overwhelmed by all those thoughts bouncing around in your mind all day long. Sure, having a mind that's on overload may seem like it's completely normal, but that still doesn't stop all those thoughts and little worries and concerns from exhausting and overwhelming you. Or maybe you're starting to feel that there's something more to life than what you're experiencing right now. You know there are people out there who are experiencing "something more," who are happier and more at peace than you are, but you can't quite put your finger on what they're doing that you're not. So maybe you're looking for a little help and guidance to turn off that chatter in your mind and achieve that deep level of peace, or maybe even find that "something more." You've probably heard that a journey starts with a single step. Well, you've just taken that first step. You've come to the right place. That's true even if you're not exactly sure what you're doing here, or what you're looking for, and you're at your computer looking at this page wondering, "What exactly did I just do?" What you did is reach out for something more. You told yourself, at least on some level, you are tired of merely existing and ready to start living. You're done with waiting that far-off "someday" when you will finally have all the "stuff" you need to be happy. You're here to make that "someday" today. How Do I Learn? Making a decision to "start meditating" is one thing. Actually doing it - actually beginning the process - is quite another. No matter how ready you are to start this new journey, chances are, you don't know exactly how to start it. You probably can't just walk into a room, sit down and "start meditating" without knowing or understanding a single ong>meditationong> technique. What are you supposed to say? What are you supposed to do? How do you know it's working? What if you get distracted? The Ishayas practice and teach a ong>meditationong> called Ascension. Ascension is comprised of a series of simple, mechanical techniques, called Ascension Attitudes that have the potential to completely change your relationship to your mind. The Ascension Attitudes are based in Praise, Gratitude and Love, and when practiced regularly, they can completely transform your relationship to your mind, and lift you above the chaos of everyday life. The best part is, you don't need to believe in any religion or dogma to use them. The Ishayas are a group of people who practice and instruct in this art of Ascension. However, we're also just like you - regular people who were, at one time, seeking a path to more peace and joy in our lives, and found it. The Ishayas Ascension can help you find it too. What If?... What do you want from life? What do you want for your children, for your family, for your friends? If you're like most people, you probably have a simple answer. "To be happy", "To experience more peace", "To experience more love" It sounds simple, but if you're like most people, you've probably also realized that attaining this simple goal is not as easy as it sounds. Maybe you've tried to find it through your relationships with others, or through advancing in your career, or through attaining all the latest "stuff" that seems to be the key to happiness. If so, you've probably learned that happiness, peace and love isn't something you can buy at a store, or that comes with your latest promotion. It's not even something you can reliably get from others. Happiness, peace and love is actually something that lives within all of us, all the time. The challenge is finding a way to access that happiness, that inner joy, that inner peace so that it's with you all the time. What if discovering true happiness, peace and love was a lot easier than it sounds? What if you didn't have to spend hours reading, or studying, or seeking? What if that joy you desire was right there for the taking, within you now? What if that path to happiness, peace and love was simple and effortless and natural? It is. Balaprada can take you there.