Chapbooks; Een Schoone Historie en Miraculeuze Geschiedenis
Een Schoone Historie en Miraculeuze Geschiedenis van den Ridder met de Zwaan. Die te Nymegen in Gelderland te Scheep kwam, by het geleide van eene Zwaan, uit den Landen Lilefoort, hetwelk men zegt te wezen: Ryssel, Douway en Orchy, gelegen in Vlaanderen - Amsterdam, B. Koene, no date (c. ) pp. - later paper/cardboard cover - cm Condition: Worn and frayed cover and the interior has minor foxing. Will be sent by registered mail. Debaene, De Nederlandse volksboeken. Ontstaan en geschiedenis van de Nederlandse prozaromans, gedrukt tussen en (Hulst ): Chapbook, largely printed in gothic letter, in which the medieval legend of the swan / knight Helias is told. During his adventures Helias is accompanied by a swan who is in reality his brother. The oldest preserved edition of the “Ridder metter Swane” is from , but according to the imprimatur in its back, dated Brussels 2 February , there must have been a sixteenth-century edition. This imprimatur is repeated in later editions, so also in this nineteenth-century edition, but instead of the year is mentioned.With woodcut vignette on title, 3 half-page woodcut illustrations, 19th-century boards, small 4to. Read More