Mothercare Italia Pram/Pushchair and Carry Cot in Nottingham
Chasis..... A four sprung chasis, which is collapsable, has a brake, solid wheels and contaong>inong>s a wire shoppong>inong>g tray. ong>Carryong> ong>Cotong>/ong>Pramong> - Detachable, can either be forward or backward facong>inong>g on the chasis, has ong>carryong>ong>inong>g handles, two side pockets, detachable/washable long>inong>ong>inong>g, detachable hood, flat/adjustable back rest, and ong>carryong> ong>cotong> cover. Push Chair....Detachable, can either be forward or backward facong>inong>g on the chasis, and has adjustable back rest. Comes with cosy toes. It has a separate ong>pushchairong> cover goong>inong>g over the cosy toes. Agaong>inong> has a detachable hood. There are a couple of marks on the ong>pushchairong> but hardly noticeable (see pics) where it has been stored. Good clean condition. Open to offers. Can deliver locally.