CORPORATE ART CONSULTong>ANong>T. GETTING YOUR ART INTO CORPORATE COLLECTIONS! (City of London), Corporate Art Consultong>anong>ts. We are always looking for ''art with a wow factor'' ong>anong>d ''staying power'' that cong>anong> trong>anong>slate to corporate placement. There are good opportunities for artists to sell or rent their art work to corporations. Art Work in a corporate collection gives ong>anong> artist exposure to a potentially wealthy sector of society, including potential collectors with the meong>anong>s to buy ong>anong>d may even result in greater sales.OK Artists. First, the good news: you cong>anong> always sell your artwork. Whether you sell well now ong>anong>d wong>anong>t to sell more, wong>anong>t to expong>anong>d international sales to ASIA (CHINA, JAPong>ANong>), ong>anong>d/ or you're just starting out ong>anong>d looking for ways to take your art public, I'm right here ong>anong>d I cong>anong> help. I'll show you how to distinguish your art to corporate art Buyers as ong>anong> essential asset worth owning, ong>anong>d most importong>anong>tly, how to keep people ong>anong>d corporations buying. Believe it. Email me ong>anong>d find out how. We are professional Art Consultong>anong>ts with over ''thirty years'' in the business ong>anong>d know what we are doing in the Business of Art. We'll ong>anong>alyze, assess ong>anong>d advise on your approach, your prices, your website, how you orgong>anong>ize ong>anong>d present your art, your statement, ong>anong>d your other written materials, how you position yourself, how you talk about your art, how to advong>anong>ce toward your goals-- whatever those goals may be-- ong>anong>d more. When people ong>anong>d corporations see your art ong>anong>d like it, be ready to turn that "like" into action-- the kind of action that gets you gallery shows ong>anong>d corporate sales. Wong>anong>t to get more shows? Wong>anong>t to sell more art better? Wong>anong>t to sell to corporations ong>anong>d corporate art buyers? Wong>anong>t to sell to international markets in ASIA ong>anong>d USA? Take the next step ong>anong>d email me now. £, London,.