Variety of clothes and accessories in a variety of sizes, from UK clothes size 6 to 18
Loads ong>ong>ofong>ong> ong>clothesong> and accessories (only a very small fraction shown ong>inong> the photo) ong>inong> a ong>varietyong> ong>ong>ofong>ong> sizes, from UK Women size 6 to 18 clothong>inong>g, scarves, bras, pyjamas, dresses, blouses, t-shirts, long and short skirts, trousers, jumpers, blazers and loads more. Sellong>inong>g most items for £2-4, some designer/brand new items for £5-10. Discounts available on purchases ong>ong>ofong>ong> 5+ items. Can browse and collect from BN2. Please message to arrange or if there is somethong>inong>g ong>inong> particular you are ong>inong>terested ong>inong> i.e. work ong>clothesong> and I can let you know what I have. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit