The Good Research Guide: For Small-Scale Social Research
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Denscombe, Martyn, PUBLISHER: Open University Press, "The Good ong>Researchong> Guide" is a best-selling introductory book on the basics ong>ofong> social ong>researchong>. It provides practical and straightforward guidance for those who need to conduct small-scale ong>researchong> projects as part ong>ofong> their undergraduate, postgraduate or prong>ofong>essional studies. It covers all the major issues and concerns from start to finish. It is a valuable resource for anyone conducting social ong>researchong> including those in applied areas such as business studies, health studies, nursing, education, social work, policy studies, marketing, media studies and criminology. The book provides: A clear, straightforward introduction to data collection methods and data analysis Jargon-free coverage ong>ofong> the key issues An attractive layout and user-friendly presentation Checklists to guide good practice The fourth edition has been extensively updated and includes features such as: New material on qualitative data and narrative analysis Good Practice boxes in every chapter Four new appendices on key topics: Ethics, Data Protection, Triangulation and Focus Groups New examples and illustrations on Surveys and Sampling Additional topics in the Frequently Asked Questions section