Handbook for Conducting Drug Abuse Research with Hispanic
ong>Handbookong> for Conducting Drug Abuse ong>Researchong> with Hispanic Populations: This volume, with accompanying CD-ROM, is a compendium ong>ofong> information providing practical guidelines for individuals doing drug abuse ong>researchong> with Hispanic populations. Aimed at graduate students and ong>researchong>ers or service providers initiating programs with Hispanic communities, it also provides ample substance for seasoned ong>researchong>ers. The material is drawn from the field work ong>ofong> countless investigators who, in the course ong>ofong> conducting drug abuse ong>researchong> targeted at the Hispanic population, have designed studies, collaborated with communities, conducted outreach, recruited participants, developed and tested instruments, collected and analyzed data, followed up with clients and considered ways ong>ofong> returning something to the community after their ong>researchong> was completed. The CD-ROM provides not only the volume's electronic text, but also decision-tree scenarios ong>ofong> each major component activity to initiate and conduct ong>researchong> with Hispanic populations.This ong>handbookong> was written largely because many drug abuse ong>researchong>ers in the s and 90s operated under the assumption that the methods and approaches useful with non-Hispanic subjects could also be utilized with Hispanics. That approach ignored such moderating variables as acculturation, language and core values. As a consequence, the benefits ong>ofong> ong>researchong> findings did not always accrue to Hispanics. This volume contributes significantly to filling this gap in drug abuse ong>researchong>.