Coopermix Lozenge Half Moon Mouth Snaffle Bit
Cooper Mix Half Moon Snaffle bits This is a very high quality bitThis Eggbutt style bit does not move right across the tongue as much as other types, so is good for horses that are sensitive around the edges of the mouth.The Lozenge means no more tongue pinching or stabbing your horse in the top of the mouth, the double jointed mouthpiece fits comfortably to each horse and encourages mouthing of the bit. This is an excellent design for comfort. The Bit is very versatile and can be used for training and competition level it is also acceptable for dressage use. WE GUARANTEE AN EXCELLENT QUALITY PRODUCT AND SERVICE PLEASE VISIT OUR SHOP FOR OTHER EQUESTRIAN ITEMS AND DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT US WITH ANY QUESTIONS. EQUESTRIAN LIFE