Half-Handed Cloud - As Stowaways on Cabinets of Surf,We
John Ringhofer (aka,ong>Halfong>-ong>Handedong> ong>Cloudong>) hong>asong> been crafting homegrown,spiritually charged,lo-fi indie pop for nearly a decade now. A fan of brevity only in song length,the Sufjan Stevens protg/former Danielson Famile bong>asong>s player's latest opus,ong>Asong> ong>Stowawaysong> in Cabinets of Surf,We Live-out in Our Members a Kind of Rebirth,doesn't deviate from the childlike,overly complex,CCM pop that hong>asong> become his forte over the years. Populated with 25 tracks festooned with puns and water metaphors,ong>ASong>ICOSWLOIOMAKOR