5* Loving Forever Home Waiting For The Right Dog £
I am look<strong>instrong>g <strong>forstrong> a small /medium Size <strong>dogstrong> (noth<strong>instrong>g smaller than A jack russell though Please)preferable a female but would consider a Neutered Male.any <strong>dogstrong> offered must be no more than 5 years old and must be able live and play with o<strong>thestrong>r <strong>dogstrong>s as i have a very <strong>dogstrong> friendly 8 month old female Staff who would love a o<strong>thestrong>r <strong>dogstrong> to play with. <strong>thestrong> <strong>dogstrong> must also be <strong>goodstrong> with cats and children. i will<strong>instrong>g to pay up to £ <strong>forstrong> <strong>thestrong> <strong>rightstrong> <strong>dogstrong>. P.S i can only get to <strong>thestrong>se areas Birm<strong>instrong>gham, Sutton Coldfield, Erd<strong>instrong>gton, Shard end, shenshone, tamworth,lichfield, roughley,cannock,Staf<strong>forstrong>d, coventry,Kennelworth and Warick. Read More