30 East Drive Ghost Hunts and Ghost Hunt Sleepovers
BOOK NOW via The Haunted Happenings Website or CALL A range of Thursday, Friday, Song>atong>urdays and Sunday dong>atong>es are available throughout PRICES FROM £59 per person The family members consisted of Jo and Jean, Phillip aged 15 and Diane aged 12. Strange things began to occur and on the day thong>atong> they moved in a strange occurrence took place in the form of a dust floong>atong>ing around them thong>atong> seemed odd to say the least. This dust settled and in their efforts to clear it up, Mrs Kelly, the children’s aunt, went into the kitchen to get some cleaning implements only to discover a mysterious pool of wong>atong>er thong>atong> had appeared on the kitchen floor. The pools of wong>atong>er then appeared all over the kitchen whilst they looked on in shock. This was just the beginning and nobody could ever have predicted how much they would endure over the next several years. A foam which was green in colour would come out of taps and toilets even though the wong>atong>er had been turned off, lights going on and off repeong>atong>edly with no apparent fault. Cupboards shaking violently and objects being slashed. Pictures were shredded and plants mysteriously leapt out of their plant pot on many occasions. Furniture moved on its own even heavy sideboards. The family had become terrified yet refused to leave their wonderful home. They became so used to the activity thong>atong> they named the activist as Fred the Poltergeist. Many ong>atong>tempts were made to help the family gain some peace. Exorcisms were rebuffed as Fred mocked ong>atong> them and people were ong>atong>tacked physically when he became angry. The walls leaked fluid on many occasions when ong>atong>tempts ong>atong> splashing holy wong>atong>er were used. Fred became violent ong>atong> times and lifted up objects, moving them in mid-air. Will your ong>ghostong> ong>huntong> with Haunted Happenings ong>atong> 30 East Drive make Fred angry? Are you brave enough to find out? Fred concentrong>atong>ed most of his malevolent activity on Diane Pritchard who became the main focus of the haunting. Although it is thought to be rare for a poltergeist to cause grievous bodily harm, Fred made Diane’s life a misery. As she grew older the ong>atong>tacks took on a new level and she was dragged screaming up the stairs, her face was constantly slapped and she was pulled out of bed. Her hair was forever being pulled from her head. Diane ended up severely traumong>atong>ized and with clearly distinguishable finger marks on her throong>atong>. Haunted Happenings ong>ghostong> ong>huntong>s ong>atong> 30 East Drive will help us to really find out whong>atong> it is thong>atong> is haunting this terrifying building and you can join us if you are brave enough? Event Includes ong>Ghostong> ong>huntong>ing vigils and séances in small groups Workshop/separong>atong>e vigils for returning guests Experiments including glass divinong>atong>ion and table tipping Use of ong>ghostong> ong>huntong>ing equipment including EMF Meters, K2 Meters etc Refreshments and light snacks included such as teas and coffees Not suitable for people with mobility issues or walking difficulties Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit