Details about Happy Mouth Mullen Mouth Snaffle 115mm 4
High quality plastic mouth with stainless steel, and a twisted steel wire core. The Happy Mouth Mullen Loose Ring Snaffle Bit is super polished and kinder to the mouth, with a great apple taste. High quality plastic mouth with stainless steel, and a twisted steel wire core. The Happy Mouth Mullen Loose Ring Snaffle Bit is super polished and kinder to the mouth, with a great apple taste. Generally Used for: "The Loose Rings of a Snaffle make for a more mobile bit, and is often ideal for horses that lean on the bit or take hold, and usually encourages a relaxed jaw. The Mullen is a straight bar bit with ergonomic shaping, and is a very mild mouthpiece, only applying pressure on the tongue and lips with minimal pressure on the bars of the mouth, so is often used for horses with a soft mouth.