Beautiful, Cuddly Pony
We are sadly looking to sell our 11yo 12.2h registered Dartmoor pony (green passport). He is ever so friendly on the ground, loves cuddles, strokes and fuss. My six year old can bring him in from the field, putting on his head collar and leading him through the gate without any problems, and he loves to be brushed and groomed by adults and children alike. He lets my children pick out his feet safely. He is up to date with vaccinations and teeth, back checked. He is snaffle mouthed at all times, and great to hack on and off the lead rein. He loads in a trailer or lorry but sometimes needs a little persuasion. Roly would be an ideal lead rein or second pony, as he can occasionally be a little quirky when he is being ridden off the lead rein. We are selling him as he has been outgrown by my older son. He has competed in local shows, in which he has come away with many rosettes, but when at home he loves to jump, pricking his ears up and getting clearly excited when he sees jumps, although he is never too strong and dangerous. Price £850 may be negotiable to the right home. More pictures and video available on request. Read More