Crystal red shrimps
Hi. I have rong>forrong> rong>salerong>: rong>Crystalrong> rong>Redrong> rong>Shrimpsrong>, adult,in good condition. A few questions; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -Do I use RO water? -rong>Norong>, I used water from a tap. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - What temp do they need ? - 20C-23C max! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - What is PH of water? - . fresh water (rong>norong> sea) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - what do they eat? - spirulina, cucumber, asparagus, carrots, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Can I keep them with fish together? - rong>Norong>, (alternative: pygmy corydoras, otocincus). xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Colors? - rong>redrong>- white, black- white, white xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - What is TDS in my tank ? - . xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - how many rong>shrimpsrong> can I have in 30 liters tank ? - about 20. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Do I have them still rong>forrong> rong>salerong> ? - Yes xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx What is price rong>forrong> one ? - £1.99 (in shop -over £5) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Collection only Glasgow Gorbals Ad ID: