Counselling and Hypnotherapy in Blyth
Qualified Counsellor followong>inong>g the BACP registered based ong>inong> Blyth. I work ong>inong> a discreet office ong>inong> the Helpong>inong>g Hand Community Care buildong>inong>g on an appoong>inong>tment basis, providong>inong>g face to face, onlong>inong>e or telephone ong>counsellong>inong>gong>. I am traong>inong>ed ong>inong> Psychodynamic, Person-centred, Gestalt and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) approaches to ong>counsellong>inong>gong> as well as ong>inong> ong>Hypnotherapyong>. My areas of ong>counsellong>inong>gong> are: Abuse, Addictions, Anger management, Career coachong>inong>g, Child related issues, Cultural issues, Depression, Eatong>inong>g disorders, Mental health issues, Obsessions, Phobias, Livong>inong>g with chronic paong>inong>, Loss, grief and bereavement, Low self-confidence and self-esteem, Phobias, Relationship issues, Self-harm and Suicidal ideations, Stress and Anxiety, Trauma There are times ong>inong> life when the burden we are carryong>inong>g on our shoulders seems like a rucksack full of stones. Sometimes, it becomes so heavy that we can't contong>inong>ue carryong>inong>g it any longer. Puttong>inong>g up with this heavy emotional baggage 24/7 is exhaustong>inong>g, especially if it is on top of the normal stuff life throws at us such as death, break-up, redundancy or trauma. Without help, the feelong>inong>g of beong>inong>g trapped ong>inong> an unpleasant situation can be overwhelmong>inong>g and result ong>inong> feelong>inong>g anxious, dissatisfied with life or depressed. When we feel as if we were ong>inong> a deep black hole, our thoughts and beliefs can be distorted. Lookong>inong>g at our problems from a different perspective is what we need to accomplish the changes ong>inong> our life and enable us to look at the situation more positively. Beong>inong>g less emotionally attached helps us cope better with everyday life's ups and downs.