Gaming computer. READ (No gfx card or power supply) Intel core i Quad Core CPU.
Hello there. Hoping to sell my Gaming computer due to ordering a new one in the next few weeks, to be fair I'm selling it at a complete bargain and WILL NOT budge the price. 150 is very reasonable. What does this include if there's no graphics card or power supply? This includes the gaming case which is a CM storm enforcer. Link below. Unfortunately the side case is missing a screw but it's not really an issue for the price. Also includes a Titan fenrir Gpu cooler. Link of information below. Asus Motherboard. And of course the main bargain of the Cpu processor. Intel core i QUAD core processor which seem to be fetching up to 150 a pop on certain sites. Includes 500gb hard drive, also a 4gb ram card, literally all you need is a gfx card and power supply and you're ready to go. Whatsapp please! Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit