LittleBig Bike - childrens balance / pedal bike (Age 3-7)
This is a lovely bike, sadly our little one has now outgrown it, so its time to find a new rider. This bike is a little bit different! In fact it’s a lot different! LittleBig is a convertible kids balance bike with pedals. The unique frame adapts with your growing child! So you buy one bike to last from age 2 to age 7. 1 No need for stabilisers - The baby balance bikes allow toddlers to glide along effortlessly while quickly developing their coordination and motor skills. 2 As your child grows, LittleBig transforms into a bigger balance bike. 3 Once your child has mastered their balance, a pedal attachment can be fitted, converting the balance bike into a proper pedal bike. www.littlebigbikes. com The bike is in superb, clean condition and has all the parts. We brought it direct from the chap in Ireland who thought up the bike! its an amazing bit of kit- our little one was riding confidently with pedals at a relatively early age due to this bike. Fits easily into a car boot but it is also easy to take apart too to put in the car for holidays.