12V electric quad bike for children - Realistic and sporty
Got this for my son but too big for him, I did assemble it but I took it apart to send it back to the company but never got round to it as they wanted me to pay for the postage to France, I noticed that the grip on one handle was lose but this could be glued on easily. This super all-terrain quad bike will satisfy your children's thirst for adventure. It was especially designed for children from 3 to 6 years old. Suitable for the smallest kids, it offers a comfortable seat and a handlebar designed for small hands. Its 4 wheels ensure he bike's stability even at its maximum speed of 5 km/h. The quad bike offers forward and reverse gears and is easy to drive with a foot-operated pedal. The vehicle design is very elegant and really looks authentic. Both parents and children will love its all-terrain features and sporty lines. Technical features: - Recommended age: 3 to 6 years - Maximum user weight: 30 kg - Size: 97 x 66 x 65 cm - Maximum speed: 3 to 5 km/h - Battery: 12V7AH - Fuse: 13A - Average charge of the battery: - Recharge time: 8 to 12 hours - Brand: Wonderkid - Colour: Black and orange Extras: - Attractive design - Comfortable seat - Easy to drive