Carer wanted for a severly disabled person for one on one
I am after a ong>carerong> who can help a young lady with multiple complex health issues in including idiopathic seizures the ong>personong> I'm looking ong>ong>forong>ong> is following Preferably female, non smoker ages doesn't matter and to have experience with the special needs with first aid skills not necessary as training can be given British languages spoken as I have communication problems Be willing, good time keeping, enthusiastic, good sense of humour, and trustworthy etc Have a keen interest in arts, history, music, visiting places etc Helping me with socialising with my friends once a week at different venues around town and ong>oneong> or two house visits a week it will be no longer than 3 hours 4 at the max ong>ong>forong>ong> each visit Duties will include socialise, eating and drinking, help make me comong>ong>forong>ong>table and safe during my seizures including toileting if needed including changing of trousers, preparing lunch and general duties All need protection ong>ong>forong>ong> when needed will be supplied ie gloves, aprons, hand wash etc Hourly rates will depend on age and experience but in general it be £ per hour weekdays and weekends it's £ per hour also included is lunch provided It will be between the hours of am to pm when going out the ong>personong> who is wanting to care ong>ong>forong>ong> me would need to be here at the house minuets beong>ong>forong>ong>e I'm due to be picked up with the transport that's been booked or if it's easier ong>ong>forong>ong> the ong>personong> to meet me at a specific venue ong>ong>forong>ong> same amount time beong>ong>forong>ong>e im due to arrive Any ladies interested in wanting to help me please email me your details and I will go over them and arrange a time to meet up at home and decide on the successful candidate ong>ong>forong>ong> the job thank you