Xbox one day one edition 500gb for sale or swap for ps4
Everything works perfectly, I'm only selling because I've built myself a gaming PC and all games on ong>Xboxong> can be played on the PC so no longer have use ong>forong> it! Comes with all cables required and 1 limited edition day ong>ong>oneong>ong> edition ong>Xboxong> controller also comes with a few ong>Xboxong> 360 games that work on the ong>Xboxong> ong>ong>oneong>ong>. The box has been in the shed ong>forong> the last 3 years so it's a bit mangled etc, and unong>forong>tunately the top glossy part of the actual ong>Xboxong> is scratched quite a bit. This part is very easily scratched and has been caused by taking it in a backpack to friends/family's houses. Like I said in the title I might be interested in swapping ong>forong> a ps4, so send me your offers, thanks Read More