Education Planet - Classroom based and on-line tutoring in
Education Planet was founded in . It was set up to help both children and adults who require tuition in National Curriculum subjects. Education Planet is a global venture. aiming to provide successful tutoring in the classroom (for those who live locally) and on-line worldwide for both children and adults. We also deliver ESOL, the Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic) and IELTS education. All tutors at Education Planet Ltd are fully qualified and have a proven track record in their subject area. Take a look at some of our successes at Education Planet! Key Stage 1- 2 (3 years to 11 years) English reading, English including grammar, Punctuation and Spelling, Mathematics (including mental arithmetic), Writing, Speaking and Listening, RE, Science, Design and Technology, History, Geography, Art and Design, Music, Computing and Modern Foreign Languages (French and Spanish) Key Stage years to 16 years) English, Mathematics, Science (Biology, Physics and Chemistry) History, Geography Modern Foreign Languages (Spanish, French and German) Latin, Design and Technology, Art and Design and RE. Higher Education and Adult Learners English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, RE, History, Geography, French, Spanish and Latin, Science (Biology, Physics and Chemistry) ICT, Health and Social Care, Human Physiology, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and Adult Nursing. We also have a team of highly motivated and outstanding ESOL, Pearson and IELTS Tutors to help us deliver the English language. Company Registration Number: Education Planet Limited Contact Education Planet: Telephone UK: Please visit our website for more information and prices: