Education Planet - Home and On-line Tutoring - Primary,
ong>Educationong> ong>Planetong> was founded in . It was set up to help both children ong>andong> adults who require tuition in National Curriculum subjects. ong>Educationong> ong>Planetong> is a global venture aiming to provide successful tutoring in the home (for those who live locally) ong>andong> on-line worldwide for both children ong>andong> adults. We also deliver Functional Skills, Pearsons, ESOL ong>andong> IELTS ong>educationong>. All tutors at ong>Educationong> ong>Planetong> Ltd are fully qualified ong>andong> have a proven track record in their subject area. Take a look at some of our successes on our website. Subjects Key Stage 1- 2 (3 years to 11 years) English reading, English including grammar, Punctuation ong>andong> Spelling, Mathematics (including mental arithmetic), Writing, Speaking ong>andong> Listening, RE, Science, Design ong>andong> Technology, History, Geography, Art ong>andong> Design, Music, Computing ong>andong> Modern Foreign Languages (French ong>andong> Spanish)) Key Stage years to 16 years) English, Mathematics, Science (Biology, Physics ong>andong> Chemistry) History, Geography Modern Foreign Languages (Spanish, French ong>andong> German) Latin, Design ong>andong> Technology, Art ong>andong> Design ong>andong> RE. Higher ong>Educationong> ong>andong> Adult Learners English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, RE, History, Geography, French, Spanish ong>andong> Latin, Science (Biology, Physics ong>andong> Chemistry) ICT, Health ong>andong> Social Care, Human Physiology, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology ong>andong> Adult Nursing. We also have a team of highly motivated ong>andong> outstong>andong>ing Pearsons, ESOL ong>andong> IELTS Tutors to help us deliver the English language. Company Registration Number: ong>Educationong> ong>Planetong> Ltd: Copyright by A Foster ong>Educationong> ong>Planetong>. All rights reserved