Child/Boys bike, years +...
Child/Boys bike, years +, Make an offer! White, black and neon-green mountain bike. It has graffiti-style 'Apollo Gradient' branding. 20" size. Not had that much use really, but perfect for what my son needed - and looks "epic", I was told! My son is now saving for his next bigger bike. He's grown out of it at 10, so it's lasted longer than the age range recommended. The bike comes with front/rear/wheel reflectors, plus bell. The wheels still have tread. The chain is fine along with the brakes also. I have included photos of the few minor scratches, if you can see them! The handle grips have a bit of a crack on the side of the rubber but they don't need replacing. All in all, it's in good condition. It received 4.8 out of 5 stars on reviews from the Halfords website! Thanks for reading. Look forward to hearing from you. Natalie. £, Brighton, .