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Adorable little female kitten called Lisa. She is 4 weeks and 4 days old. She will be ready to go in about 4 weeks. She is a cross of a female snow lynx bengal and a bengal male. She has blue eyes and looks like she is going to be quite light like her mummy. She is toilette trained and in the process of weaning off. She will be vaccinated with Trimovac in about 2 weeks time (that normally costs about £70 at the vet) Any questions just ask. Ad ID:
Male & female Brown Spotted (Bengal Cross kittens). Vaccinated and neutered. Can be microchipped too. Very friendly - ready around the first week in October. Indoor homes only please
Please phone as not getting e mails 10 week old boy Lovley friendley little boy Used to dogs and other cats Wormed and flead as a precauction Vet checked Ready for new home Please phone as not getting e mails Can be seen with mum and dad who are pedigree Read More
Wanted Bengal female or Bengal female cross,we are pensioners, looking for kitten about a year old, assured loving home, would be good for us as all children now left home, can afford up to £100.
Beautifully marked grey bengal marked kitten male. Flea treated and litter trained. Had first worming Ad ID:
I have 1 ginger bengal cross he polydactyl with thumbs last of his litter will be ready around 5th may he will be 125 or I have 1 white with black dots on head she is British shorthaired cross birman she will be ready end of may she will be 125. and 1 choccy black with white chest he British shorthaired cross birman also ready end of may he will be 80
Bengal cross x mixed tabby ready now! Raised around other pets and young toddlers. WhatsApp or email only Both parents are family raised. He is a pinkish ginger, like a rose gold, the photos don't do him no justice bless! He is 8 weeks old. He is on solid and wet food, litter trained and been flea an wormed treated and vet checked he is £60 to ensure good home. He is on other sites xx Ad ID:
Litter trained. Fleaed and wormed. Fully weaned. Good with children. Mother can be seen. Plz no time wasters Ad ID:
Wilbur. Bengal cross, loving and soppy! Loving homes only, home checks will be done if I can! NO DOGS. He was attacked beginning of the year by one and is not wary of them even mine who he grew up with. He is chipped and neutered. Only rehoming as I am slightly allergic and just found out my daughter is too so it’s unfair on her and them now. X I am rehoming other cats also. Read more
Beautiful kittens. Litter trained. Fleaed and wormed. No timewasters and no picture collectors. Viewing is welcome. Ad ID:
His name is Alfie he's very loving and affectionate one year old I have to rehome him due to being moved and not aloud to take him with me I'm heartbroken need to find him a loving home Ad ID:
Bengal Cross 6 years old microchipped house cat vaccinated neutered very loving with people but needs a new forever home without any small children or other cats as had a falling out. has no experience with dogs. Read more
Beautiful natured kittens for sale Incredible markings Beautiful personalities and very friendly. Used to being handled. Been handled since birth and had free run of a large family home full of kids. These kittens have been truly loved and this shows on how affected they are. Males and females available 7 in total ready to go now to forever homes. Wormed and treated with front line 9 weeks old on Tuesday Eating wet and dry kitten food and fully litter trained Ad ID:
Female kitten for sale good with dogs and young children loves a cuddle and is very affectionot she is a bengla cross tabby serious people only comes with litre tray and cat carry box Read more
Male bengal cross kitten he's ready to go to his forever home. Good home essential fully weaned on dry and wet food. He's been flead and wormed and is litter trained and questions please ask
Lovely kitten, strong healthy wee man, used to noisy house with kids, dog, bird etc full of fun and ready to go to a new home, health checked, flea treatment and wormed last week Ad ID:
2 cats for sale,both brothers, I year old, indoor cats lovely nature, brought up with dogs, genuine reason for sale. includes two large cover cat litter trays, pet carrier, pop up bed plus toys and bowls. Read more
Hi I'm selling my bengal cross male cat super friendly very independent un neutered has produced lots of tiger stripped stunning kittens big green eyes my other cat bullies him hence sale good home only no more time wasters this is a hard decision as it is Read more
I have 3 beautiful Bengal cross kittens mum is a tabby and dad is pure snow bengal and has pedigree papers which can be seen
4 kittens for sale, 2 males and 2 female litter trained, eat wet food ready to go at 12 weeks Ad ID:
This little boy is 9 months old he is neutured microchipped an upto date with injections. He is a bengal cross. He is very loving. Been around young children an older children. Read More
Ready now wormed, flead todate, 2boys. Micro chipped. 5 mins junction 22 M5. Raised in the family home, used to dogs and normal household noises. Now looking for their own special family to call theirs. Read more
Bengal cross girl black 12 weeks old very friendly ideal family pet doesn't bite ust to dogs and other cats Read More
Male Bengal cross cat 2 years old very friendly boy loves cuddles used to kids other cats n dogs if they ok with him he's very warey with men has he's not used to them lives with all female sad sale loveing home only please Read More
17 weeks old Bengal cross boy Needs loving home Very affectionate Loves to meow and play Will take Sensible offer Ad ID: