baby platys and mollies

Baby platys and mollies

Baby platys and mollies

Baby saffron mollies and salt and pepper platys. There are 7 platys which around a month to a month and half and nearly an inch in length and 6 mollies which are around 2 months and an inch long and orange with black eyes. Also 3 smaller mollies around half an inch and 2-3 weeks old one of which is mixture of colours. £1 each need gone asap can do a deal for job lot. Also 16 guppies born today will be ready soon if want bigger Ad ID:

Mollies platys and guppies

Mollies platys and guppies

Young fish. £10 for 10 fish various sizes. Mainly mollies and platys. Ad ID:

Related products baby platys and mollies: Mollies platys and guppies
6 Assorted Platys,Mollies and Swordtails

6 Assorted Platys,Mollies and Swordtails

6 Assorted Platys,Mollies and Swordtails for sale all good sizes Read More

Blue 'mickey mouse' platys and silver mollies

Blue 'mickey mouse' platys and silver mollies

7 blue 'mickey mouse' platys and 5 silver mollies. Juvenile (1cm+). Will sell for £1 each (cash). Ready to collect ASAP. Ad ID:

Related products baby platys and mollies: Blue 'mickey mouse' platys and silver mollies
Mollies & platys

Mollies & platys

About 100+ mollies and platys some are fully grown adults down to days old babies £20 for the lot Ad ID:

Guppies mollies platys cory

Guppies mollies platys cory

mix guppie £ for £16 mix mollies £ for £16 mixed platty £ for £16 Mix cory £4 2 for £7 Ad ID:

Related products baby platys and mollies: Guppies mollies platys cory
Guppies, Mollies & Platys FOR SALE!!!

Guppies, Mollies & Platys FOR SALE!!!

Few months old, various sizes of tropical fish only 50p each. Bring your own bag / Container. Read more

Guppies, Mollies & Platys FOR SALE!!!

Guppies, Mollies & Platys FOR SALE!!!

Couple of months old, various sizes of tropical fish only £1 each. Read more

Related products baby platys and mollies: Guppies, Mollies & Platys FOR SALE!!!
Baby and adult mollies

Baby and adult mollies

I have quite a few mollies for sale white, black and dalmatian Please bring your own transportation for them. Ad ID:

Baby mollies and guppies !!

Baby mollies and guppies !!

Baby mollies and guppies for sale. Colours: gold, black, silver 5 for £8 10 for £ for £20 £4 each in pet shop. Can deliver if local. Any questions please ask. Read more

Related products baby platys and mollies: Baby mollies and guppies !!
50l fishtank and 5 baby mollies

50l fishtank and 5 baby mollies

For sale is my 50l fishtank with back painted black. Sale includes tank, filter, heater, sand, ornaments, net, fish food, 5 baby mollies. Not light. But i have a light unit for sale which needs a bulb. Any questions just ask. Thanks Ad ID:

Baby Guppies, Platys and Molly's need a new home in Newport

Baby Guppies, Platys and Molly's need a new home in Newport

I have lots of baby fish needing a new home, my tanks are overcrowded. They are all in good condition and a few weeks old. Will allow only ten fish per person though so to ensure good fish care is in place. I am asking for 10p per baby so £1 for ten

Related products baby platys and mollies: Baby Guppies, Platys and Molly's need a new home in Newport
Baby Guppies, Platys and Molly's need a new home in Newport

Baby Guppies, Platys and Molly's need a new home in Newport

I have lots of baby fish needing a new home, my tanks are overcrowded. They are all in good condition and a few weeks old. Will allow only ten fish per person though so to ensure good fish care is in place

Baby Platies and Mollies for sale £1.00 each

Baby Platies and Mollies for sale £1.00 each

Baby platie and mollies for sale £1.00 each Please bring your own bags Selling Due to having to many babies being born. Please email or text Ad ID:

Related products baby platys and mollies: Baby Platies and Mollies for sale £1.00 each
Baby platys

Baby platys

Baby platys for sale, still developing colours so can't guarantee colours, roughly 6-8 weeks old. £1.50 each. Ad ID:

Baby Platys Fish

Baby Platys Fish

Around 25 baby platy fish available. Various colours. Will sell all for £10 or £0.50 per fish.

Related products baby platys and mollies: Baby Platys Fish
Baby platys for sale

Baby platys for sale

Baby red platys about 2 months old. Getting quite a few in tank so need to sell a few to make room for new babys. £1 each. Must be able to collect as don't drive. Ad ID:

Baby platys / swordtail fish

Baby platys / swordtail fish

Baby platys and swordtails. 6 available just now. More to come. Few weeks old. £1 a fish

Related products baby platys and mollies: Baby platys / swordtail fish
Baby platys for sale

Baby platys for sale

Baby platys for sale. Posted by Lynne in Pets for Sale, Fish in Alexandria. 31 December

baby platys in Oxford

baby platys in Oxford

baby platys

Related products baby platys and mollies: baby platys in Oxford


Baby platys for sale. Black with orange faces. I have 14 in one small tank which are really healthy. I have some very small ones in another tank with the mum and dad but I think they are too small to leave at the moment. I have them in a coldwater aquarium but I am told that they can also go into tropical. To be collected. £1 for 4. Ad ID:

Tropical fish...4 week old black Mollies and 8week old orange with black spots Mollies £ 1.00 each

Tropical fish...4 week old black Mollies and 8week old orange with black spots Mollies £ 1.00 each

Tropical fish...4 week old black Mollies and 8week old orange with black spots Mollies Ad ID:

tropical baby platys in Corby

tropical baby platys in Corby

I have seven baby platys for sale 3 blue one is a blue micky mouse 4 orange very lovely and lively to young to tell the sexes yet ready for new home

Baby Fry Tropical Fish Platys

Baby Fry Tropical Fish Platys

My daughters tropical fish (platys) have had babies and we are desperately looking for new homes for them as we are unable to keep them. They vary between 4-8 weeks old. Variety of markings and colours. We bought 6 female platys but they must have been pregnant when bought or we have a rogue boy in the mix! We are fairly new to this fish keeping lark and really need to find homes for these little ones as we are unable to keep them. Photos are hard to take but two of the hatchery and a few of their parents! Looking for piggy bank contributions for my daughter. Thank you! Ad ID:

Related products baby platys and mollies: Baby Fry Tropical Fish Platys
Baby sunset wag platys & various guppies

Baby sunset wag platys & various guppies

I have lots of babies ready to leave, these are peaceful community fish for a heated aquarium Very welcome to come & view, have them at different ages & colours are coming through. Read More
