amano shrimps x3

Amano Shrimps (x3)

Amano Shrimps (x3)

Selling young adult Amano shrimps around 4cm-6cm in size. They are living in my community tanks and are completely acclimated to London water. I don't do anything to change the PH of my tanks. They are the ultimate algae eating machines (even decimating green hair algae). The only type of algae they don't eat is black bearded algae (u need SAEs for that). Absolutely needed in a planted aquarium. They are completely peaceful little critters, big and can hold their own. Perfect for community tanks. 10 pounds for three amanos. I am also selling a variety of aquarium plants that i grow myself and also some SAEs, Platies, young Bristlenose plecos, Red Cherry Shrimps. Check my other ads or inquire. (if you see the ad it is still available) Ad ID:

Amano Shrimps (x3)

Amano Shrimps (x3)

Selling grown Amano shrimps around 4cm-6cm in size. They are living in my community tanks and are completely acclimated to London water. I don't do anything to change the PH of my tanks. They are the ultimate algae eating machines (completely decimating green hair algae). The only type of algae they don't eat is black bearded algae (u need SAEs for that). Absolutely needed in a planted aquarium. They are completely peaceful little critters, big and can hold their own. Perfect for community tanks even with larger fish. 10 pounds for three amanos. I am also selling a variety of aquarium plants that i grow myself and also some SAEs, Platies, young Bristlenose plecos, Red Cherry Shrimps. Check my other ads or inquire. (if you see the ad it is still available) Ad ID:

Related products amano shrimps x3: Amano Shrimps (x3)
Amano Shrimps young adults (x3)

Amano Shrimps young adults (x3)

Selling young adult Amano shrimps around 4cm-6cm in size. They are living in my community tanks and are completely acclimated to London water. I don't do anything to change the PH of my tank. They are the ultimate algae eating machines (even decimating green hair algae). The only type of algae they don't eat is black bearded algae (u need SAEs for that). Absolutely needed in a planted aquarium. They are completely peaceful little critters that won't attack anyone (they are safe to red cherry shrimps and fry). They are also very bold and they will try to steal the fish food the moment it hits the water. 10 pounds for three amanos. I am also selling a variety of aquarium plants that i grow myself and also some SAEs, baby platies, baby bristlenose plecos, Red cherry shrimps. Check my other ads on a browser! (if you see the ad it is still available) Ad ID:

Amano Shrimps young adults (x3)

Amano Shrimps young adults (x3)

Selling young adult Amano shrimps around 4cm-6cm in size. They are living in my community tanks and are completely acclimated to London water. I don't do anything to change the PH of my tank. They are the ultimate algae eating machines (even decimating green hair algae). The only type of algae they don't eat is black bearded algae (u need SAEs for that). Absolutely needed in a planted aquarium. They are completely peaceful little critters that won't attack anyone (they are safe to red cherry shrimps and fry). They are also very bold and they will try to steal the fish food the moment it hits the water. 10 pounds for three amanos. I am also selling a variety of aquarium plants that i grow myself and also some SAEs, baby platies, baby bristlenose plecos. Check my other ads on a browser! (if you see the ad it is still available) Ad ID:

Related products amano shrimps x3: Amano Shrimps young adults (x3)
Amano Shrimps

Amano Shrimps

Young/adult Amano shrimps around 4cm-6cm in size. They are living in my community tanks and are completely acclimated to London water. I don't do anything to change the PH of my tanks so they should be fine when you transfer them to your aquarium. Adaptable to any PH and will happilly live in C temperatures. They are the best Algae clean up crew and extremely usefull for planted tanks. Their size makes them perfect for community tanks. 3 pounds per shrimp. Have a look at my other ads for more aquarium related things. (if you see the ad it is still available) Ad ID:

Amano shrimps

Amano shrimps

Amano shrimps 3cm Amano shrimps. Posted by Chris in Pets for Sale, Fish in Basingstoke. 9 June

Related products amano shrimps x3: Amano shrimps
Amano Shrimps

Amano Shrimps

Young/adult Amano shrimps around 4cm-6cm in size. They are living in my community tanks and are completely acclimated to London water. I don't do anything to change the PH of my tanks so they should be fine when you transfer them to your aquarium. Adaptable to any PH and will happilly live in C temperatures. They are the best Algae clean up crew and extremely usefull for planted tanks. Their size makes them perfect for community tanks. 3 pounds per shrimp. Have a look at my other ads for more aquarium related things. (i also have lots of other stuff, Platies/guppies, bristlenose plecos, red cherry shrimps, Amanos, plants...have a look at my other ads) (if you see the ad it is still available) Ad ID:



Amano Shrimp are great for cleanliness in your tank, they scavenge for uneaten food, and also keep algae levels at a minimum. Ad ID:

Related products amano shrimps x3: AMANO SHRIMPS
Amano Shrimps

Amano Shrimps

Selling adult Amano shrimps around 4cm-6cm in size. They are living in my community tanks and are completely acclimated to London water. I don't do anything to change the PH of my tanks. They are the ultimate algae eating machines (completely decimating green hair algae). The only type of algae they don't eat is black bearded algae (u need SAEs for that). Absolutely needed in a planted aquarium. They are completely peaceful little critters, big and can hold their own. Perfect for community tanks even with larger fish. 10 pounds for three amanos. I am also selling a variety of aquarium plants that i grow myself and also some SAEs, Platies/guppies, young Bristlenose plecos, Red Cherry Shrimps. Check my other ads or inquire. (if you see the ad it is still available) Ad ID:

Tropical Amano Shrimps

Tropical Amano Shrimps

Amano shrimps £2 each for 6 for £10 normally £3 each in store green algae cleaning crew they are really good at cleaning the access food and algae Amano shrimps are bigger than cherry shrimps but not aggresive at all - have no issues with endler babies. Ad ID:

Related products amano shrimps x3: Tropical Amano Shrimps
Tiny Amano shrimps like cherry 20p each

Tiny Amano shrimps like cherry 20p each

Selling Amano shrimps very small like cherry shrimps. Good cleaners for tanks and live ok with small fish. Shrimps turn red as they get older, and quickley mulitiply in numbers, great fun to watch. Selling 5 for £1.00. Only an inch in size great for smaller tanks. Text me on Ad ID:

6x Amano Shrimps with tank and filter.

6x Amano Shrimps with tank and filter.

6x Amano/Ghost shrimp with tank, filter, bogwood, moss ball and black sand. Don't remember how many litres tank is but only small.

Related products amano shrimps x3: 6x Amano Shrimps with tank and filter.
Amano Shrimps and Tropical Ornaments, Plants for Sale

Amano Shrimps and Tropical Ornaments, Plants for Sale

Due to house move I have 2 Amano Shrimps (£2 each), ornaments and plants (between £ Zebra and 4 Yellow Rabbit Snails (£1 each) for sale. Ad ID:

Amano Shrimps and Tropical Ornaments, Plants for Sale

Amano Shrimps and Tropical Ornaments, Plants for Sale

I have 2 Amano Shrimps (£2 each), ornaments and plants (between £ Zebra and 4 Yellow Rabbit Snails (£1 each) for sale. Ad ID:

Amano Shrimps, Apistogramma Cacatuoides Double Red, Golden Albino Pleco and more.....

Amano Shrimps, Apistogramma Cacatuoides Double Red, Golden Albino Pleco and more.....

I have got a few beautiful, perfectly healthy tropical fish for sale. I have got too many fish in my fish tank and I have to get rid of some of them unfortunately. 1x Bolivian Ram MALE - 6cm 1x Otocinclus - 2,5cm 1x Golden Albino Ancistrus Pleco - 2,5cm 2x Amano Shrimp - 3,5cm 1x Apistogramma Cacatuoides Double Red MALE - 6cm 1x Guppy Endler MALE - 2cm Collection from NG8 Aspley in Nottingham. Contact on . Make me an offer.

5 discus fish 2 gourami, 9 tetras, 5 panda Cory, 3 oto fish, 3 Amano shrimps, plants...

5 discus fish 2 gourami, 9 tetras, 5 panda Cory, 3 oto fish, 3 Amano shrimps, plants...

Aquarium fish and plants for sale, 5 discus fish 2 gourami, 9 tetras, 5 panda Cory, 3 oto fish, 3 Amano shrimps, various plants, snails, please text me your best offer Ad ID:

5 discus fish 2 gourami, 9 tetras, 5 panda Cory, 3 oto fish, 3 Amano shrimps, plants...

5 discus fish 2 gourami, 9 tetras, 5 panda Cory, 3 oto fish, 3 Amano shrimps, plants...

Aquarium fish and plants for sale, 5 discus fish 2 gourami, 9 tetras, 5 panda Cory, 3 oto fish, 3 Amano shrimps, various plants, snails, please text me your best offer Ad ID:

Red cherry shrimps - 15 shrimps for £10 or £1

Red cherry shrimps - 15 shrimps for £10 or £1

RED CHERRY SHRIMPS are a great addition for Tropical Freshwater Aquarium. They are easy to keep and really interesting and fun to watch. The optimum aquarium temperature for Shrimps is around (°C). Red cherry shrimps are primarily algae eaters but they also will eat any food intended for aquarium use. I'm selling them 15 shrimps for £10 or £1 each. The 15 shrimps will include both adults and juveniles. Please make sure you have a suitable tank ready for them and research done just to make sure that they will be happy at new home. Currently kept with a guppies, platies, mollies who don't bother them. No good with large fish or frogs etc as even full grown they are only aprox 2cm. Collection only from Putney Heath. Ad ID:

Related products amano shrimps x3: Red cherry shrimps - 15 shrimps for £10 or £1
Red cherry shrimps - 15 shrimps for £10 or £1 each

Red cherry shrimps - 15 shrimps for £10 or £1 each

RED CHERRY SHRIMPS are a great addition for Tropical Freshwater Aquarium. They are easy to keep and really interesting and fun to watch. The optimum aquarium temperature for Shrimps is around (°C). Red cherry shrimps are primarily algae eaters but they also will eat any food intended for aquarium use. I'm selling them 15 shrimps for £10 or £1 each. The 15 shrimps will include both adults and juveniles. Please make sure you have a suitable tank ready for them and research done just to make sure that they will be happy at new home. Currently kept with a guppies, platies, mollies who don't bother them. No good with large fish or frogs etc as even full grown they are only aprox 2cm. Collection only from Putney Heath. Thank you Ad ID:

Red cherry shrimps - 15 shrimps for £10 or £1 each

Red cherry shrimps - 15 shrimps for £10 or £1 each

RED CHERRY SHRIMPS are a great addition for Tropical Freshwater Aquarium. They are easy to keep and really interesting and fun to watch. The optimum aquarium temperature for Shrimps is around (°C). Red cherry shrimps are primarily algae eaters but they also will eat any food intended for aquarium use. I'm selling them 15 shrimps for £10 or £1 each. The 15 shrimps will include both adults and juveniles. Please make sure you have a suitable tank ready for them and research done just to make sure that they will be happy at new home. Currently kept with a guppies, platies, mollies who don't bother them. No good with large fish or frogs etc as even full grown they are only aprox 2cm. Collection only from Putney Heath - SW15. Ad ID:

Related products amano shrimps x3: Red cherry shrimps - 15 shrimps for £10 or £1 each
Red cherry shrimps - 15 shrimps for £10 or £1 each!!

Red cherry shrimps - 15 shrimps for £10 or £1 each!!

RED CHERRY SHRIMPS are a great addition for Tropical Freshwater Aquarium. They are easy to keep and really interesting and fun to watch. The optimum aquarium temperature for Shrimps is around (C). Red cherry shrimps are primarily algae eaters but they also will eat any food intended for aquarium use. Shrimps will include both adults and juveniles. Please make sure you have a suitable tank ready for them and research done just to make sure that they will be happy at new home. Currently kept with a guppies, platies, mollies who don't bother them. No good with large fish or frogs etc as even full grown they are only aprox 2cm. Collection only from Putney Heath. Ad ID:

Red cherry shrimps - 15 shrimps for £10 or £1 each

Red cherry shrimps - 15 shrimps for £10 or £1 each

RED CHERRY SHRIMPS are a great addition for Tropical Freshwater Aquarium. They are easy to keep and really interesting and fun to watch. The optimum aquarium temperature for Shrimps is around (°C). Red cherry shrimps are primarily algae eaters but they also will eat any food intended for aquarium use. I'm selling them 15 shrimps for £10 or £1 each. The 15 shrimps will include both adults and juveniles. Please make sure you have a suitable tank ready for them and research done just to make sure that they will be happy at new home. Currently kept with a guppies, platies, mollies who don't bother them. No good with large fish or frogs etc as even full grown they are only aprox 2cm. Ad ID: Ad ID:

Related products amano shrimps x3: Red cherry shrimps - 15 shrimps for £10 or £1 each
Red cherry shrimps - 15 shrimps for £10 or £1 each

Red cherry shrimps - 15 shrimps for £10 or £1 each

RED CHERRY SHRIMPS are a great addition for Tropical Freshwater Aquarium. They are easy to keep and really interesting and fun to watch. The optimum aquarium temperature for Shrimps is around (C). Red cherry shrimps are primarily algae eaters but they also will eat any food intended for aquarium use. I'm selling them 15 shrimps for £10 or £1 each. Shrimps will include both adults and juveniles. Please make sure you have a suitable tank ready for them and research done just to make sure that they will be happy at new home. Selling as we have too many and they breed like crazy! Currently kept with a guppies, platies, mollies... who don't bother them. No good with large fish or frogs etc as even full grown they are only aprox 2cm. Collection only from Putney Heath - SW15. Ad ID:

Red cherry shrimps - 15 shrimps for £10 or £1 each

Red cherry shrimps - 15 shrimps for £10 or £1 each

RED CHERRY SHRIMPS are a great addition for Tropical Freshwater Aquarium. They are easy to keep and really interesting and fun to watch. The optimum aquarium temperature for Shrimps is around (°C). Red cherry shrimps are primarily algae eaters but they also will eat any food intended for aquarium use. I'm selling them 15 shrimps for £10 or £1 each. The 15 shrimps will include both adults and juveniles. Please make sure you have a suitable tank ready for them and research done just to make sure that they will be happy at new home. Currently kept with a guppies, platies, mollies who don't bother them. No good with large fish or frogs etc as even full grown they are only aprox 2cm. Ad ID:

Related products amano shrimps x3: Red cherry shrimps - 15 shrimps for £10 or £1 each
Red cherry shrimps - 15 shrimps for £10 or £1 each

Red cherry shrimps - 15 shrimps for £10 or £1 each

RED CHERRY SHRIMPS are a great addition for Tropical Freshwater Aquarium. They are easy to keep and really interesting and fun to watch. The optimum aquarium temperature for Shrimps is around (°C). Red cherry shrimps are primarily algae eaters but they also will eat any food intended for aquarium use. I'm selling them 15 shrimps for £10 or £1 each. The 15 shrimps will include both adults and juveniles. Please make sure you have a suitable tank ready for them and research done just to make sure that they will be happy at new home. Currently kept with a guppies, platies, mollies who don't bother them. No good with large fish or frogs etc as even full grown they are only aprox 2cm. Read More
