Vodafone Smart first 6 on Pay as you go Unlocked – In excellent condition
Smart but simple Designed specifically to be eong>asong>y to use, the Smart first 6 hong>asong> a simple homescrong>eeong>n with all the features ong>youong> nong>eeong>d. ong>Youong>'re only ever one tap away from making a call, sending a text or email, taking a photo or browsing the web. Stay connected The Smart first 6 comes with Facebook and Twitter already installed – so ong>youong> can update ong>youong>r status, catch up with the latest ong>goong>ssip and stay in touch with all ong>youong>r friends and family, straight out of the box. Access to thousands of apps The Smart first 6 runs Android – the world's most popular operating system – which gives ong>youong> access to thousands of apps through the ong>Goong>ogle Play Store. So whether ong>youong>'re a fan of games, social media, music or movies, there's an app for everyone.