5 Orange PAYG Sim Cards with £9 Joining Credit on each
This ong>Joiningong> ong>Creditong> is already on the card, it can be used to Call/Text UK mobile & landlines, and it never expires. 1 ong>Simong> Card for £5, or all of them for only £15. ong>Asong> ong>withong> all ong>Simong> ong>cardsong> ong>youong> do have to make a call or send a text once around every 6 months or the ong>Simong> will be disconnected by the network. The ong>Joiningong> ong>Creditong> is in the extrong>asong> section, to check dial 453, then select option 1. ong>Youong> can use the ong>creditong> and then either top up or throw away the ong>simong> if ong>youong> like. ong>PAYong>G = ong>Payong> ong>Asong> ong>Youong> ong>Goong> NOTE: ong>Simong> card comes by itself, ong>withong>out packaging, books etc. Camden, NW3.