Zigo Leader Family Bicycle/Cargo Trike for 2 children...
Zigo Leader Family Bicycle/Cargo Trike for 2 children, All the functionality of a carrier bicycle, conventional baby stroller, and bicycle in one brilliant system. The Zigo is a modular bicycle that allows you to carry a couple of kids in the ChildPod up front, which makes it easier to keep an eye on them while you're riding. It features the LeaderLink System allows the Leader to uncouple in 30 seconds or less, transforming it into the separate elements, Zigo ChildPod and Zigo Cycle. A multi-fun bicycle! It can carry a combined weight (2 children) unto 36 kg. Perfect for street or bike paths, errands, school/daycare commuting, or just for fun! The bike is looking for a new home due to house move to location closer to daycare and work. Excellent condition. Price new: £ Extras: * Rear basket * 2 bike locks * Bike bell * Side mirror * Environmental cover for outdoor parking. £, Cambridge,.