Yukon photon xt 6.5x50 day/night scope, with doubler lense
ong>yukonong> ong>photonong> ong>XTong>, 6.5x50 ong>nightong> and day ong>scopeong>,excellent condition,works exactly as it should,its the later bigger mag version with the one shot zero feature which is very easy to use...... 6 x diff rets,3 colour options,good for 100m or more,esspecially if you ad a T ir torch instead of using the inbuilt 3 stage ir illuminator(this also has the added benifit of prolonging unit runtime)will then be good to circa 200m, complete with a screw in doubler lense for upping the magnification for longer ranges,fitted with a breakaway coaster that greatly helps focusing at ong>nightong>ime,lense cap has ong>beenong> drilled to 4.5mm which greatly improves daytime image quality......complete with instructions,and carry bag,and mounts for standard dovetail rail, i will px a ong>nightong>site ns50 plus cash, or swap an ns200/wolf, i just prefer the add ons...... will be on A14/A6 saturday morning on way to kibworth shooting range if it helps