ww i antoine redier la guerre des femmes

WW I; Antoine Redier - La Guerre des Femmes -

WW I; Antoine Redier - La Guerre des Femmes -

Antoine Redier - La Guerre des Femmes - Paris, La Revue Française, - Final edition - 2ff.- III, 269pp.-1f.- 11 inserts - Half brown sheepskin leather with bands, back with 3 large raised bands, golden title (binding of the time), covers adorned with coloured patterns in the shape of waves ans circles - 28 x 22 cm. Weight 2.2 kg Condition: Friction, wear and tear on corners (dented, rubbed), borders; back with a tear in head, wear and friction of use in head and tail; covers: friction, scratches of use (not too serious); inside: preserved folded wrapper (covers and back of the paperback), stained title page, correct leaves, end papers "peacock feathers", bookplate in vignette, 7 plates out of text reproducing the pencils of Naudin, with captioned silk papers, headbands, end pieces and ornamental initials by Mr. Vox. Annexes: portrait of Louise of Bettignies, of Marie - LĂ©onie Vanhoutte, facsimile and 1 folded map ¶ Ce rĂ©cit retrace les faits hĂ©roĂŻques de Louise de Bettignies (). Fille d'une ancienne famille du Nord de la France. Pendant le siĂšge d'octobre , elle est recrutĂ©e par l'Intelligence Service anglais et va crĂ©er un vaste rĂ©seau de renseignements alliĂ© sous le nom d'Alice Dubois. ArrĂȘtĂ©e en , elle mourra en prison d'une pneumonie. Bernard Naudin: Peintre,habile dessinateur, a collaborĂ© Ă  "l'Assiette au 
 Read More

Francžois Mauriceau - Traité des maladies des femmes

Francžois Mauriceau - Traité des maladies des femmes

MEDECINE] MAURICEAU (François). – TraitĂ© des maladies des femmes grosses et des celles qui sont accouchĂ©es. 7th corrected edition [
] [followed by] Observations sur la grossesse et l’accouchement des femmes et sur leurs maladies, et celle des enfans nouveau-nez. [
]Paris, Compagnie des Libraires AssociĂ©s, vol. quarto, 555 and 671 p. Full leather, back with 5 adorned raised bands Plates and engraved vignettes. Cover very tired, flaw to the hinges and backs. Needs attention Inside clean despite the foxing and scattered water staining. Some leaves are loose Cover and stitching need attention Sold as is Handwritten annotations at the end of the volume. The book caused a serious stir during its publication, evidenced by eight successive editions and translations until . Founding book of modern obstetrics Read More

Related products ww i antoine redier la guerre des femmes : Francžois Mauriceau - Traité des maladies des femmes
François? Mauriceau - ?Traité des maladies des femmes

François? Mauriceau - ?Traité des maladies des femmes

François? Mauriceau - ?Traité des maladies des femmes grosses et celles qui sont accouchées, enseignant la bonne et véritable méthode pour bien aider les femmes en leurs accouchements naturels et les moyens de remédier à tous ceux qui sont contre nature et aux indispositions des enfants nouveaux-nés?. (...) - Paris, Michel Clouzier, - cinquieme edition - Tome ) pp. - ?original leather binding - cm Condition: antiquarian good condition - binding with neat boards (spine missing, corners scuffed); neat and solid block; very neat, clean and crisp pages (approx. 50 pp. have a slight moisture spot).Highly sought-after work. With 15th-century handwritten parchment strips.Contains very extensive descriptions of diseases of women who recently gave birth and about the appropriate method of helping women in childbirth with fetuses in various positions. Read More

WW I; Schlachten des Weltkrieges [ volumes -

WW I; Schlachten des Weltkrieges [ volumes -

WW I Reichsarchiv - Schlachten des Weltkrieges - 38 volumes – World War I / The Great War battlesComplete series including detailed maps.Interesting for battlefield visitors, researcher authors, reseller.Condition:gutLanguage:Deutsch/ GermanEdition: different books, 34 volumes in 38 binding Weight: 20 kgSchlachten des Weltkrieges – published by Gerhard Stalling Verlag Oldenburg im Auftrage des Reichsarchivs. 34 volumes in 38 books plus separate detailed big maps of the battlefields and army units.Plus photos and sketches of the battles and fronts of WWI. The size of the hardcover books is 23 x 16 cm. Each volume has a different number of pages. All in all there are more than pages with detailed information about the big battles.Germany, France, Russia, Austria, Yugoslavia, Greece, Turkey, Belgium, Netherlands etc.The books are in very good to good condition, they have some yellowed pages. The volumes 34 in 38 books: Antwerpen - Douaumont - Karpathen und Dnjester Schlacht - - Jildirim - Herbstschlacht in Macedonien - Nancy - Die Schlacht bei St Quentin (2 volumes) - Nowo Georgiewsk - Baranowitschi - Ypern - Mazedonischen Front - Isonzo (2 volumes) - Tragodie von Verdun (3 volumes) - Dardanellen - Loretto - Argonnen - Tannenberg - Somme (2 volumes) - Marnedrama (4 volumes) - Paris - Flandern - Arras (2 volumes) - Gorlice - Die Tankslacht bei Cambrai - Deutsche ziege - Wachsende Schwierigkeiten - Die letzte Deutsche Angriff - Schicksalswende - Die Katastrophe des 8.August . A few years after WWI, this series was published with help of the German archive to provide the best and detailed information. Read More

Related products ww i antoine redier la guerre des femmes : WW I; Schlachten des Weltkrieges [ volumes -
WW I; Reichsarchivs - Schlachten des Weltkrieges - 38

WW I; Reichsarchivs - Schlachten des Weltkrieges - 38

Schachten des weltkrieges - uitgave Gerhard Stalling Verlag Oldenburg im Auftrage des Reichsarchivs. The 26 volumes, in 38 bindings with detailed maps of the battlefields and army units, provide a precise and complete picture of all of the battles and fronts of WWI. The dimensions of the hardcover books are 23 x 16 cm. The books are in good condition, they have some yellowed pages. Two volumes have damaged spines and covers (see photo). The volumes consist of: Douaumont - Karpathen und Dnjester schlacht - Antwerpen - Jildirim - Herbstschlacht in Macedonien - Nancy - Die schlacht bei St Quentin (2 volumes) - Nowo Georgiewsk - Baranowitschi - Ypern - Mazedonischen front - Isonzo (2 volumes) - Tragodie von Verdun (3 volumes) - Dardanellen - Loretto - Argonnen - Tannenberg - Somme (2 volumes) - Marnedrama (4 volumes) - Paris - Flandern - Arras (2 volumes) - Gorlice - die tankslacht bei Cambrai - Deutsche ziege - Wachsende schwierigkeiten - Die letzte Deutsche angriff - Schicksalswende - Die katastrophe des 8 august .Included: two books of the Marinearchiv series; Der nordzeekrieg en Der kreuzerkrieg. Edition.This complete lot is from the Reichsarchiv.A few years after WWI, this series documented the accountability of the exact course of the battle. Read More

[Antoine Court] - Histoire des Troubles des Cevennes ou de

[Antoine Court] - Histoire des Troubles des Cevennes ou de

[Antoine Court] - Histoire des Troubles des Cevennes ou de la guerre des Camisars - publisher Villefranche, chez Pierre Chretien - . Edition- 3 volumes, volume pp. - Vol.pp - Vol.pp-Dimensions: 16 cm x 10cm. The books are in good condition with age-related signs of use. Read More

Related products ww i antoine redier la guerre des femmes : [Antoine Court] - Histoire des Troubles des Cevennes ou de
[Antoine Court] - Histoire des Troubles des Cevennes ou de

[Antoine Court] - Histoire des Troubles des Cevennes ou de

[Antoine Court] - Histoire des Troubles des Cevennes ou de la guerre des Camisars - publisher Villefranche, chez Pierre Chretien - . Edition- 3 - volume pages- volume pages - volume pagesDimensions: 16 cm x 10cm The books are in good condition with age-related signs of use. Read More

WW I; lot with 5 editions about WW I, written in French -

WW I; lot with 5 editions about WW I, written in French -

1. Grand Quartier Général - Manuel du chef de section d'infanterie - imprimerie nationale - pp. - hardcover - 19 x 10.5 cm - in good condition.2. Le président du conseil du violation des droits des gens - Les atrocités Allemandes pendant la guerre , rapports officiels - ? - 251 pp. - glued - 18.8 x 12 cm - uncut pages, in fair condition.3. Henri Barbusse - Le feu, journal d'une escouade - Ernest Flammarion, Paris - pp. - glued - 18.5 x 11.8 cm - in fair condition.4. De Selliers de Moranville - La Guerre Mondiale - Goemare - pp. + cartes - bound with a leather spine - 25.2 x 17.5 cm - in very good condition.5. Paul Heuze - L'épopée Belge dans la Grande Guerre - Aristide Quillet - pp. - Bound in leather - 32 x 26 cm - in very good condition.Total of 5. Will be carefully packaged and sent by registered mail (Track & Trace). Read More

Related products ww i antoine redier la guerre des femmes : WW I; lot with 5 editions about WW I, written in French -
WW I; Lot with seven books about the events during WW I -

WW I; Lot with seven books about the events during WW I -

Evelyn de Roodt - Onsterfelijke fronten, Duitse schrijvers in de loopgraven van de eerste wereldoorlog - Aspekt x 15.5 cm - 425 pp. - glued softcover - in new condition.Ian Ousby - De weg naar Verdun, Frankrijk en de eerste wereldoorlog - Anthos x 13.5 cm - glued softcover - in excellent condition.Martin Middelbrook - De keizerslag, de Duitse offensieven van - Aspekt pp. - 23.5 x 15.5 cm - gelued softcover - in new condition.Hew Strachan - De eerste wereldoorlog, een geĂŻllustreerde geschiedenis - Anthos pp. - 24 x 16 cm - glued softcover - in new condition.Rob Kammler and others - Het monster van de oorlog, Nederlandse liedjes en gedichten over de eerste wereldoorlog - Nijgh & Van Ditmar - glued softcover - 24 x 17 cm 367 pp. - in very good condition.Lyn MacDonald - Somme - Anthos pp. - glued softcover - 23 x 15 cm - in very good condition.Lyn MacDonald - Passendale - Anthos - 277 pp. - glued softcover - 23 x 15 cm - in very good condition. Read More

WW I; Lot with 8 English language books about WW I -

WW I; Lot with 8 English language books about WW I -

David Stevenson - , the history of the first world war - - Penguin books - 730 pp. - bound hardcover with dust jacket - dimensions: 24 x 16 cm.Malcolm Brown - , the men who went to war - - Sidgwick & Jackson - 340 pp. - bound hardcover with dust jacket - dimensions: 24 x 16 cm.Janet Morgan - the secrets of Rue St Roch - - Penguin books - 408 pp. - bound hardcover with dust jacket - dimensions: 24.5 x 16 cm.John Keegan - the first world war - - Hutchinson Londen - 500 pp. - bound hardcover with dust jacket - 24 x 17 cm.Robin Prior - Gallipoli, the end of the myth - - Yale University press Londen - 288 pp. - bound hardcover with dust jacket - dimensions: 24 x 16 cm.Richard Thoumin - the first world war - - Secker-Warburg - 544 pp. - bound hardcover with dust jacket - dimensions: 22 x 14.5 cm. Robin Prior & Trevor Wilson - Passchendaele, the untold story - - Yale University press - 237 pp. - softcover - dimensions: 23.5 x 15.5 cm.Philip Warner - Passchendaele - - Wordsworth military library - 270 pp. - softcover - dimensions: 21.5 x 13.5 cm.The books are in very good condition. Read More

Related products ww i antoine redier la guerre des femmes : WW I; Lot with 8 English language books about WW I -
WW I; Lot with five witness reports of WW I -

WW I; Lot with five witness reports of WW I -

Louis Barthas - De oorlogsdagboeken van Louis Barthas - Bas Lubberhuizen pp. - glued, softcover - 23 x 15 x 4 cm. In read though good condition.Edler Koppen - Frontberichten - Ambo Amsterdam pp. - bound, hardcover with dust jacket - 22 x 14 x 3 cm. In new condition.Henri Barbusse - Het vuur - Oorlogsdomein pp. - 20 x 13.5 x 4 cm Bound, hardcover. In new condition.Robert Graves - Dat hebben we gehad - Oorlogsdomein pp. - 20 x 13.5 x 4 cm - bound hardcover - in new condition.Robert DogelĂšs - Houten kruisen - Oorlogsdomein pp. - 20 x 13.5 x 4 cm - bound hardcover - in new condition. Read More

WW I; Lot with 6 photo books about WW I -

WW I; Lot with 6 photo books about WW I -

Andy Wiest - De geschiedenis van de eerste wereldoorlog - uitgeverij Deltas - bound hardcover - 256 pp. - dimensions: 30 x 23.5 cm.J.H.J. Andriessen - de eerste wereldoorlog in foto's - uitgeverij Rebo - bound hardcover with dust jacket - 600 pp. - dimensions: 30.5 x 21.5 cm.Jay Winter & Blaine Baggett - De grote oorlog en de vorming van de 20ste eeuw - Standaard uitgevrij van Buuren - bound hardcover with dust jacket - 432 pp. - dimensions: 28 x 22 cm.Ian Westwell - de eerste wereldoorlog dag na dag - Zuidnederlandse uitgeverij - bound hardcover - 192 pp. - dimensions: 28.5 x 22 cm.Andy Wiest - de eerste wereldoorlog, een uniek overzicht van alle gebeurtenissen en ontwikkelingen in woord en beeld - uitgeverij Deltas - dimensions: 27 x 21 cm.Jean Pierre Jeunet - Un long dimanche de fiancailles, een groot liefdesverhaal tegen de achtergrond van de eerste wereldoorlog - uitgeverij Lannoo - bound hardcover - 94 pp. - dimensions: 26 x 26 cm. Read More

Related products ww i antoine redier la guerre des femmes : WW I; Lot with 6 photo books about WW I -
WW I; Lot of 2 collection boxes about WW I -

WW I; Lot of 2 collection boxes about WW I -

Julian Thompson-Verdun and the Somme,de grootste veldslagen ooit -with unique removable documents, memorabilia and an audio CD, with testimonials by veterans-Edition -Kosmos-Z & K publishers BV, Utrecht-measurements: 31x28x4 cm-bound book, hardcover in cardboard box, 66 pages. Gary Sheffield-, het westelijk font in de eerste wereldoorlog-with more than 30 rare detachable memorabilia documents, and an audio CD with dramatic eyewitness accounts-Edition -Z&K Cosmos Publishers BV, Utrecht-measurements: 31x28x4 cm-bound book, hardcover in cardboard box, 80 pages.The two boxes with all removable documents are complete and in mint condition. Read More

WW I; Lot with 4 English editions about WW I -

WW I; Lot with 4 English editions about WW I -

1. Muirhead Bone - The Western Front - Country life ltd. - - not paginated - glued SC - 31 x 24.2 cm - in fair condition.2. D.S.V. Fosten - Cuirassiers and heavy Cavalry - Almark - pp. - SC - 21 x 15 cm - in good condition.3. John Terraine - The Western front - Pen & Sword military classics - pp. - SC - 19.7 x 12.8 cm - in very good condition.4. Herbert Strang - With Haig on the Somme - Humphrey Milford Oxford university press - pp. - bound in leather - 19.5 x 14 cm - in good condition. Total of 4.Will be carefully packaged and sent by registered mail (Track & Trace). Read More

Related products ww i antoine redier la guerre des femmes : WW I; Lot with 4 English editions about WW I -
WW I; Lot with 5 books concerning WW I -

WW I; Lot with 5 books concerning WW I -

1. J.H.L. Andriessen - De Eerste Wereldoorlog in foto'sLisse, Rebo, – hardcover - dust jacket - 600 pp. – 23.5 x 22 cm - in new condition.2. A. Gysel - Aalmoezenier De WyelsTielt, Lannoo, – softcover, wrappers – 168 pp. - 26 x 21 cm – in new condition.3. Winston Churchill - Drie Jaar Wereldbrand .Amsterdam, De Telegraaf/Nieuws van de dag - ca. - softcover - 104 pp. - 24.5 x 16 cm - binding has faded and is lightly damaged, see photos.4. Michelin-Guides Illustres Michelin Des Champs de Bataille La Marne . L’ Ourcq. Chantilly Senlis Meaux.Paris, Michelin, – sewn – 118 pp. – 12,5 x 10 cm – richly illustrated – cover is discoloured, in reasonable condition.5. Chrisje/Kees Brants - Levende herinnering. De oorlog die nooit ophield Zaltbommel, Aprilis, – hardcover - 184 pp. - 31.5 x 23.5 cm - with many photos, bibliography; photographic overview of the battlefields - in new condition. Read More

George Sand & Louise Colet, etc. - Galerie des femmes de

George Sand & Louise Colet, etc. - Galerie des femmes de

Are you interested in this item?This item is up for auction at Catawiki. Please click on "respond to advert" (orange button) to get redirected to the Catawiki website. Catawiki’s goal is to make special objects universally available. Our weekly auctions feature thousands of unusual, rare, and exceptional objects you won’t find in just any store. George SAND & Louise COLET & Marceline DESBORDES-VALMORE & COLLECTIFGalerie des femmes de Shakespeare. Collection de quarante-cinq portraits gravĂ©s par les premiers artistes de Londres, enrichis de notices critiques et littĂ©raires.This is an undated two volume work including various essays by the likes of eorge Sand, Marceline Desbordes-Valmore, Louise Colet, Casimir Delavigne, D. O'Sullivan on the women in Shakespeare. Book adorned with a frontispiece and 45 portraits finely engraved on steel. The plates are in excellent condition, and guarded. The text is somewhat foxed, and the binding are worn but tight. Includes, of course:Miranda, Juliette, Porcia, ImogĂšne, Perdita, Lady Anne, Cressida, Cassandre, ClĂ©opatre, Titania, Isabelle, Lady Grey, Desdemona, Cordelia, Virgilia, Catherine d'Aragon.Rare book Read more

Related products ww i antoine redier la guerre des femmes : George Sand & Louise Colet, etc. - Galerie des femmes de
La Guerre des Mondes + esquisse - C - TT ()

La Guerre des Mondes + esquisse - C - TT ()

Click here to view this lot Copy of the first edition of the novella by H. G. Wells illustrated by Edgar P. Jacobs published in by the Blake & Mortimer and Dargaud editions. Large format album (34.5 x 24.5) published in 700 copies (copy number 026) accompanied by a sketch also numbered representing a preparatory drawing of E.P. Jacobs for one of the Martian robots - album of 110 pages with the full text of the novella by H.G. Wells illustrated by E.P.Jacobs.Click here to visit Catawiki Read More

France  - "Au profit des Orphelins de la guerre"

France - "Au profit des Orphelins de la guerre"

France -- "Au profit des Orphelins de la guerre".Yvert numbers: 162 through 169 and 229 through 232. MNH and MH.Marked with ** and *, as can be seen on the photos. Catalogue value €508, according to Yvert & Tellier . Will be shipped registered according to PostNL rates. Read More

Related products ww i antoine redier la guerre des femmes : France - "Au profit des Orphelins de la guerre"
France  – Au profit des Orphelins de la Guerre –

France – Au profit des Orphelins de la Guerre –

– Au profit des Orphelins de la Guerre.Yvert Catalogue no. , for no. 169: MNH OG catalogue value 450 (Yvert ). Read More

WW I; Lot with 8 books about Belgium in WW

WW I; Lot with 8 books about Belgium in WW

Luc De Vos a.o. - Oorlog in België - - W Books - 588 pp. - richly illustrated / hardcover - dimensions: 23.5 x 28.5 x 4.5 cm.Siegfried Debaeke - Vluchten voor de grote oorlog - - de Klaproos - 400 pp. - illustrated, softcover - dimensions: 24 x 16 cm.diverse auteurs - Kinderen in de eerste wereldoorlog - - Lannoo - 240 pp. - softcover - dimensions: 24 x 16 cm.Dirk van Thuyne - de Duitsers komen - - Lannoo - 216 pp. - softcover - dimensions: 24 x16 cm.Larry Zuckerman - De verkrachting van Belgie, het verzwegen verhaal over de eerste wereldoorlog - - Manteau/Het spectrum - 350 pp. - softcover - dimensions: 23 x 15 cm.Joop Peters - Belgie - PH bedrijfsadvisering - 132 pp. - illustrated, softcover - dimensions: 24 x 16.5 cm.Daniel Vanacker - het boek, de kleine Belgen in de grote oorlog - Waanders uitgeverij - pp. - illustrated,/ bound hardcover - dimensions: 17 x 12.5 cm.Piet Chielens en anderen - De laatste getuige, het oorlogslandschap van de Westhoek - Lannoo - pp. - illustrated, softcover - dimensions: 24 x 20 cm.Condition: As new.(total of 8). Read More

Related products ww i antoine redier la guerre des femmes : WW I; Lot with 8 books about Belgium in WW
Theme-WW I & WW II and the liberation, collection first day

Theme-WW I & WW II and the liberation, collection first day

Click here to view this lot Specialist collection, also contains several cover variations of equalstamps This collection consists of over 230 first day covers and Maximum cards of resistance heroes, symbols and monuments etc. Also postcards from the time of the second world war This lot will be sent with philatelic postage and registeredClick here to visit Catawiki Read More

Jean Antoine Nollet - Essai sur l'électricité des corps -

Jean Antoine Nollet - Essai sur l'électricité des corps -

Jean Antoine Nollet - Essai sur l'Ă©lectricitĂ© des corps - Published in Paris, by les FrĂšres GuĂ©rin, pages - full leather binding of the time in good condition, full calf of the time, covers, crowns & corners rubbed - 17 x 11 cm Brown Morocco labelBack with 5 raised bands adorned with golden compartments, fleurons, edging & labelRare first edition - Beautiful frontispiece engraved by Brunet according to Le Sueur, showing a demonstration of the electrocution of a human body in a cabinet of experimentation - complete with its 4 fold-out plates out of textEdition of this important work of the Abbot Nollet in which he described the instruments that can produce electricity and how to use them, analyse of phenomena, part of his experiences and questions and delivers “conjectures sur les causes de l'Ă©lectricitĂ©" He sets a method for scientific experimentation in research on electricity and magnetism.In this essay, he exhibited for the first time his theory on the double movement of the electric fluid: influx and efflux, which will succeed to the notions of glass and resinous power of Cisternay du Fay. Jean Antoine Nollet, or Abbot Nollet, born in Appilly in the region Noyonnais on December and died April , is a french physicist. He was associated with the work of Du Fay and RĂ©aumur.Nollet contributed much to spread the taste and the study of physics by clear and attractive exhibitions in France. Read More

Related products ww i antoine redier la guerre des femmes : Jean Antoine Nollet - Essai sur l'électricité des corps -
Antoine Guiard - Dissertation sur l'honoraire des messes ou

Antoine Guiard - Dissertation sur l'honoraire des messes ou

Are you interested in this item?This item is up for auction at Catawiki. Please click on "respond to advert" (orange button) to get redirected to the Catawiki website. Catawiki’s goal is to make special objects universally available. Our weekly auctions feature thousands of unusual, rare, and exceptional objects you won’t find in just any store. Dissertation sur l'honoraire des messes ou l'on traite de son origine, des illusions & autres abus qui s'en sont suivis, tant parmi les Ministres de l'Autel que parmi le commun du peuple, des diffĂ©rens moyens inutilement employĂ©s pour y remĂ©dier, d'un autre plus naturel,&peut etre plus efficace;ou enfin l'on propose quelques difficultĂ©s contre ce que l'on appelle Droits Curiaux,pour l'administration des sacremens & autres fonctions spirituelles & Ă©cclĂ©siastiques.Ouvrage examinĂ© et approuvĂ© par diffĂ©rens doctors.Edition .Complete book in very good condition.Fast shipping with tracking.Only shipped with tracking number. Read more

France  – Au profit des Orphelins de la guerre series

France – Au profit des Orphelins de la guerre series

See image for a better impression.Yvert not original gum, see Calves certificate.I have counted the values as cancelled.Catalogue value: € (Yvert )Shipped by registered mail from Switzerland. Read More

Related products ww i antoine redier la guerre des femmes : France – Au profit des Orphelins de la guerre series
Jacques Haumont - CĂ©sar. La Guerre des Gaules - 2 volumes -

Jacques Haumont - CĂ©sar. La Guerre des Gaules - 2 volumes -

César. La Guerre des Gaules. Avec les commentaires de Napoléon. Full-text prepared by Jacques Haumont - 2/2 (complete) - Archivist Paleographer. Published in Paris, by Jean Bonnot, - LXXXIV (life of Caesar) + 25 plates full page out of text + 470pp. (continuous pagination) with many illustrations out of text; fold-out, maps. Superb binding in full two tone sheepskin leather (brown and black), decorations of scenes blind stamped framing the gilded Roman she-Wolf in the middle of the covers; smooth back with compartments decorated with golden scenes, golden title and volume number; golden top edge - 21 x 15 cm, 2kg. Good condition inside (watermarked paper) - outside, near mint Beautiful collection with very decorative bindings. Read More
