ww 11 radar reunion plate

WW II; Lot with 8 books about WW II in The Netherlands -

WW II; Lot with 8 books about WW II in The Netherlands -

1.Wilma Valk/ Frans Meijaard - 11 september ,Bressiaanders over de Tweede Wereldoorlog - Stichting Op Bresjens - pp. - hardcover - 22.5 x 30 cm. Slight signs of wear.2. Tine en Ar Visser - Zeeland in de oorlog - Fanoy Boeken - pp. - softcover - 15 x 21 cm.3.J. Presser - Ondergang. De vervolging en verdelging van het Nederlandse Jodendom - volume I - Staatsuitgeverij - pp. - hardcover - 14 x 22 cm. Name on title page.4. J. Presser - Ondergang - volume II - 564 pp. - hardcover (without dust jacket) - 14 x 22.5 cm. Name on title page.5.Martin Harlaar a.o.. - Stilstaan bij de oorlog,de gemeente Amsterdam in de Tweede Wereldoorlog - Thoth - pp. - hardcover - 22.5 x 22.5 cm.6.Evert Werkman a.o. - Dat kan ons niet gebeuren.., dagelijks leven in de Tweede Wereldoorlog - De Bezige Bij - pp. - hardcover - 22 x 28.5 cm. The book is in good condition, some damage to the dust jacket.7.Ellen Lock - Kom vanavond met verhalen hoe de oorlog is verdwenen - Sociale Verzekeringsbank & Pensioen- en Uitkeringsraad - pp. - softcover - 15 x 21 cm.8.Dirk Verhofstadt - Pius XII en de vernietiging van de Joden - Hautekiet/Atlas - pp. - hardcover - 16 x 24 cm. Contains a chapter on the Jews in the Netherlands.In good condition, unless stated otherwise.Total (8)Added: newspaper clipping from and (photos). Read More

WW I; Lot with 8 English language books about WW I -

WW I; Lot with 8 English language books about WW I -

David Stevenson - , the history of the first world war - - Penguin books - 730 pp. - bound hardcover with dust jacket - dimensions: 24 x 16 cm.Malcolm Brown - , the men who went to war - - Sidgwick & Jackson - 340 pp. - bound hardcover with dust jacket - dimensions: 24 x 16 cm.Janet Morgan - the secrets of Rue St Roch - - Penguin books - 408 pp. - bound hardcover with dust jacket - dimensions: 24.5 x 16 cm.John Keegan - the first world war - - Hutchinson Londen - 500 pp. - bound hardcover with dust jacket - 24 x 17 cm.Robin Prior - Gallipoli, the end of the myth - - Yale University press Londen - 288 pp. - bound hardcover with dust jacket - dimensions: 24 x 16 cm.Richard Thoumin - the first world war - - Secker-Warburg - 544 pp. - bound hardcover with dust jacket - dimensions: 22 x 14.5 cm. Robin Prior & Trevor Wilson - Passchendaele, the untold story - - Yale University press - 237 pp. - softcover - dimensions: 23.5 x 15.5 cm.Philip Warner - Passchendaele - - Wordsworth military library - 270 pp. - softcover - dimensions: 21.5 x 13.5 cm.The books are in very good condition. Read More

Related products ww 11 radar reunion plate: WW I; Lot with 8 English language books about WW I -
WW I; Lot with 4 English editions about WW I -

WW I; Lot with 4 English editions about WW I -

1. Muirhead Bone - The Western Front - Country life ltd. - - not paginated - glued SC - 31 x 24.2 cm - in fair condition.2. D.S.V. Fosten - Cuirassiers and heavy Cavalry - Almark - pp. - SC - 21 x 15 cm - in good condition.3. John Terraine - The Western front - Pen & Sword military classics - pp. - SC - 19.7 x 12.8 cm - in very good condition.4. Herbert Strang - With Haig on the Somme - Humphrey Milford Oxford university press - pp. - bound in leather - 19.5 x 14 cm - in good condition. Total of 4.Will be carefully packaged and sent by registered mail (Track & Trace). Read More

WW I; Lot with 6 photo books about WW I -

WW I; Lot with 6 photo books about WW I -

Andy Wiest - De geschiedenis van de eerste wereldoorlog - uitgeverij Deltas - bound hardcover - 256 pp. - dimensions: 30 x 23.5 cm.J.H.J. Andriessen - de eerste wereldoorlog in foto's - uitgeverij Rebo - bound hardcover with dust jacket - 600 pp. - dimensions: 30.5 x 21.5 cm.Jay Winter & Blaine Baggett - De grote oorlog en de vorming van de 20ste eeuw - Standaard uitgevrij van Buuren - bound hardcover with dust jacket - 432 pp. - dimensions: 28 x 22 cm.Ian Westwell - de eerste wereldoorlog dag na dag - Zuidnederlandse uitgeverij - bound hardcover - 192 pp. - dimensions: 28.5 x 22 cm.Andy Wiest - de eerste wereldoorlog, een uniek overzicht van alle gebeurtenissen en ontwikkelingen in woord en beeld - uitgeverij Deltas - dimensions: 27 x 21 cm.Jean Pierre Jeunet - Un long dimanche de fiancailles, een groot liefdesverhaal tegen de achtergrond van de eerste wereldoorlog - uitgeverij Lannoo - bound hardcover - 94 pp. - dimensions: 26 x 26 cm. Read More

Related products ww 11 radar reunion plate: WW I; Lot with 6 photo books about WW I -
WW I; Lot of 2 collection boxes about WW I -

WW I; Lot of 2 collection boxes about WW I -

Julian Thompson-Verdun and the Somme,de grootste veldslagen ooit -with unique removable documents, memorabilia and an audio CD, with testimonials by veterans-Edition -Kosmos-Z & K publishers BV, Utrecht-measurements: 31x28x4 cm-bound book, hardcover in cardboard box, 66 pages. Gary Sheffield-, het westelijk font in de eerste wereldoorlog-with more than 30 rare detachable memorabilia documents, and an audio CD with dramatic eyewitness accounts-Edition -Z&K Cosmos Publishers BV, Utrecht-measurements: 31x28x4 cm-bound book, hardcover in cardboard box, 80 pages.The two boxes with all removable documents are complete and in mint condition. Read More

WW I; Lot with five witness reports of WW I -

WW I; Lot with five witness reports of WW I -

Louis Barthas - De oorlogsdagboeken van Louis Barthas - Bas Lubberhuizen pp. - glued, softcover - 23 x 15 x 4 cm. In read though good condition.Edler Koppen - Frontberichten - Ambo Amsterdam pp. - bound, hardcover with dust jacket - 22 x 14 x 3 cm. In new condition.Henri Barbusse - Het vuur - Oorlogsdomein pp. - 20 x 13.5 x 4 cm Bound, hardcover. In new condition.Robert Graves - Dat hebben we gehad - Oorlogsdomein pp. - 20 x 13.5 x 4 cm - bound hardcover - in new condition.Robert Dogelès - Houten kruisen - Oorlogsdomein pp. - 20 x 13.5 x 4 cm - bound hardcover - in new condition. Read More

Related products ww 11 radar reunion plate: WW I; Lot with five witness reports of WW I -
WW II; Lot with 4 books about WW II -

WW II; Lot with 4 books about WW II -

1) Mr. R.J.E.M van Zinnicq Bergman, Het doel bereikt, , with a personal introduction by Zijne Koninklijke Hoogheid Prins Bernhard, 208 pp., autographed, see photos, in very good condition, 22.1 x 15.2 cm, hardcover.2) Peter Hintzen, Duitsland bewogen hart van Europa, een beknopte geschiedenis, , autographed by the wife of Peter, named Digna Hintzen, see photo, 272 pp., in good condition, 23.8x 15.4 cm, softcover.3) David Cesari, Eichmann de definitieve Biografie, , Uitgeverij Manteau, Antwerp, cover illustration detailed by Harry Mulisch in the case , photo of the author Mark Gerson, original publisher (of the foreign version) Heinemann, a beautifully written biography, 453 pp., in good condition, 22.9x 14.9 cm, softcover.4) C. Van Woodward, De slag om Leyte Golf, de ondergang van De Japanse vloot tijdens de grootste zeeslag uit de Tweede wereldoorlog, , beautiful photo presentation, 188 pp., 27 x 21 cm, softcover.All books are in fine condition.(Total of 4) Read More

WW I; Lot with 5 books concerning WW I -

WW I; Lot with 5 books concerning WW I -

1. J.H.L. Andriessen - De Eerste Wereldoorlog in foto'sLisse, Rebo, – hardcover - dust jacket - 600 pp. – 23.5 x 22 cm - in new condition.2. A. Gysel - Aalmoezenier De WyelsTielt, Lannoo, – softcover, wrappers – 168 pp. - 26 x 21 cm – in new condition.3. Winston Churchill - Drie Jaar Wereldbrand .Amsterdam, De Telegraaf/Nieuws van de dag - ca. - softcover - 104 pp. - 24.5 x 16 cm - binding has faded and is lightly damaged, see photos.4. Michelin-Guides Illustres Michelin Des Champs de Bataille La Marne . L’ Ourcq. Chantilly Senlis Meaux.Paris, Michelin, – sewn – 118 pp. – 12,5 x 10 cm – richly illustrated – cover is discoloured, in reasonable condition.5. Chrisje/Kees Brants - Levende herinnering. De oorlog die nooit ophield Zaltbommel, Aprilis, – hardcover - 184 pp. - 31.5 x 23.5 cm - with many photos, bibliography; photographic overview of the battlefields - in new condition. Read More

Related products ww 11 radar reunion plate: WW I; Lot with 5 books concerning WW I -
Rose Cauldon China 11" Plate

Rose Cauldon China 11" Plate

Fine Bone China Cauldon Plate with Rose design in centre. Raised embossed edging trim in white. 11 inch Serving Plate No12 C s Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

11 inch /28cm Microwave turntable plate

11 inch /28cm Microwave turntable plate

Standard microwave plate with the usual 3 indentations on base of glass plate to enable it to sit securely on the centre support. The roller bit that turns underneath the plate also in price if wanted. Would prefer collection from very near Pimlico tube station. Read more

Related products ww 11 radar reunion plate: 11 inch /28cm Microwave turntable plate
11 inch /28cm Microwave turntable plate

11 inch /28cm Microwave turntable plate

Standard microwave plate with the usual 3 indentations on base of glass plate to enable it to sit securely on the centre support. Would prefer collection from very near Pimlico tube station. Read More

11 inch /28cm Microwave turntable plate

11 inch /28cm Microwave turntable plate

Standard microwave plate with the usual 3 indentations on base of glass plate to enable it to sit securely on the centre support. The roller bit that turns underneath the plate also in price if wanted. Would prefer collection from very near Pimlico tube station. Read More

Related products ww 11 radar reunion plate: 11 inch /28cm Microwave turntable plate
Magnus - original plate "Necron" n. 11, page )

Magnus - original plate "Necron" n. 11, page )

Original plate by Roberto Raviola (Magnus) for Necron n. 11 "Kring Krong" page 90.Edizioni Edifumetto, . Read More

Magnus - original plate Necron no. 11 page )

Magnus - original plate Necron no. 11 page )

Original plate, from Necron, issue no. 11, page 48Ink on card stockIn excellent condition Read More

Related products ww 11 radar reunion plate: Magnus - original plate Necron no. 11 page )
Serpieri, Paolo Eleuteri - Original plate (page 11) -

Serpieri, Paolo Eleuteri - Original plate (page 11) -

The Italian maestro in his western universe.The railroad, buffaloes, two of the most essential elements of the conquest of the West.This scene is built just like a movie scene, with its shots, perspective and dynamism.Ink. Read More

Jovanovic, Milan - original plate (p.11) - Secrets - “Le

Jovanovic, Milan - original plate (p.11) - Secrets - “Le

Volume 3, Plate 11Ink46 x 27.5 cm Read More

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John Romita Jr. - Original plate (p.11) - Spiderman

John Romita Jr. - Original plate (p.11) - Spiderman

From the comics 12 page 11Very good condition Read More

Royal Worcester 11” Cake Gateaux Serving Plate - Holly

Royal Worcester 11” Cake Gateaux Serving Plate - Holly

Royal Worcester - Made in England Holly Ribbons with Gold edge 11" Cake Gateaux Serving Plate New unused condition A pattern of holly, mistletoe and ribbon combine to create this distinctive pattern, which Royal Worcester have described as ‘the ultimate in festive entertaining’ Read More

Related products ww 11 radar reunion plate: Royal Worcester 11” Cake Gateaux Serving Plate - Holly
5.11 tac tec plate carrier in Galashiels

5.11 tac tec plate carrier in Galashiels

In like new condition worn once absolutely imaculate considering retail prices it's a bargain.

Reusable Paper Plate - 9 & 11 Plates & 6 Bowls Picnic

Reusable Paper Plate - 9 & 11 Plates & 6 Bowls Picnic

People ask,

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Pope John Paul 11 Royal Worcester Plate and Mug

Pope John Paul 11 Royal Worcester Plate and Mug

Perfect condition. As purchased just been in display cabinet. Read more

Pope John Paul 11 Royal Worcester Plate and Mug

Pope John Paul 11 Royal Worcester Plate and Mug

Perfect condition. As purchased just been in display cabinet. Read more

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ISTANBUL REUNION NIGHT, ECHO ARENA, LIVERPOOL Come and celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the greatest night in Liverpool’s history with the men that made it happen LAST REMAINING TICKETS BANK HOLIDAY MONDAY “If the fans create the same atmosphere, the roof will come off the Arena.” - Jamie Carragher “I haven’t seen a few of the lads since that night, so to see them again will be incredible” - Didi Hamann TICKETS £ Handling fee’s apply BOX OFFICE URN: -01 DISCLAIMER: One or more of the above data fields may not be accurate. If the price is listed as £1, this is NOT the price of the item or service being offered. Please refer to the advert description for correct information. If you would like any further details or clarification, please contact the advertiser direct. Posted in: Entertainments

French Home 11-inch Mocha Birch Dinner Plate (Set of

French Home 11-inch Mocha Birch Dinner Plate (Set of

"Add a pop of color and charm to your table setting with French Home's brown dinner plates. This glassware is handmade out of recycled glass in Spain and is an example of European creativity that can be used every day and for special occasions. The organic design is inspired by nature and will enhance any decor

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5.11 Tactical Tactec Plate Carrier Mens Vest - Black One

5.11 Tactical Tactec Plate Carrier Mens Vest - Black One

5.11 Tactical Tactec Plate Carrier Mens Vest Black One Size Product Details 5.11 TacTec Plate Carrier Engineered from the ground up, the 5.11 Plate Carrier addresses comfort, range of motion, and innovative design, with lightweight materials, quick release system, and a revolutionary extendable drag handle. Our new line of TacTec Plate Carriers offer protection where you need it most, creating a bulwark of superior penetration resistance without the weight or bulkiness of a traditional flak jacket. Designed to ensure high performance protection while remaining lightweight and mobile, the TacTec Plate Carrier features a skeletonized waistband and yoke shoulder pads for a secure and comfortable fit, an integrated web platform, a one-handed quick-release/escape system, and adjustable elastic tensional bands for stability during periods of high activity. Tactical Plate Carriers also feature our patent-pending low profile GrabDrag handle for fast recovery of downed personnel. International Buyers – Please Note: Your order may be subject to customs charges and/or import fees if you are having an item delivered to a location outside of the UK. We cannot estimate when these charges will be applied, how much they will come to if applied and we regret that we cannot pay these charges. For more information about customs charges please contact your local customs office. Any charges incurred must be paid by the receiver of the order, if an item is refused by the receiver the item will be abandoned by UPS and the customer will be wholly liable for the order and the return of the goods to us otherwise the item will not be funded.
