Male Pedigree Pomeranian Puppy
Nero is a Pomeranian boy, Hes at the time of writing hes 9 weeks. He was born his mother "Minnie", has a coat of Cream and Orange and a father with a coat of Black, White and Cream. He is getting de-wormed every 2 weeks, he will have his first injection and microchip when he leaves. He is not K C (kennel club) Registered! Nero is a beautiful and has an amazing temperament, great with dogs as he has been surrounded by them since birth, he uses puppy pads but needs more potty training to be able not to wee on the pads. loves going outside and having fun he responds with his name and loves children and he has no problem with adults. You will love this lovely cute male pedigree Pomeranian puppy "Nero". 100 pound deposit will secure Nero for you. Also non-returnabale Ad ID: