Galvanised Garden Wire Netting 5m x 60cm Fencing Chicken
Galvanised Garden Wire Netting 5m x 60cm Features: Attractive heavy duty Strong, rot proof and reusable Easily cut to size and shape Suitable for fencing, chicken fence, poultry netting, rabbit netting, crop protection and climbing plants. Galvanized chicken wire that is ideal for a variety of tasks. Great for building chicken runs, protecting and supporting plants, keeping pets away from protected areas of your garden and much, much more. Constructed with galvanised metal that it not only flexible but strong and durable. It makes it the ideal product to use for making chicken runs, animal cages and for protecting and supporting plants. 0) { var flashPlugin = navigator.plugins['Shockwave Flash']; if (typeof flashPlugin == 'object') { /* need flash version 6 or higher (this code should work with future flash plugins.) */ if (flashPlugin.description.indexOf(' 5.') != -1) flashVersion = 5; else if (flashPlugin.description.indexOf(' 4.') != -1) flashVersion = 4; else if (flashPlugin.description.indexOf(' 3.') != -1) flashVersion = 3; else if (flashPlugin.description.indexOf(' 2.') != -1) flashVersion = 2; else if (flashPlugin.description.indexOf(' 1.') != -1) flashVersion = 1; else if (flashPlugin.description.indexOf(' 6.') != -1) flashVersion = 6; else if (flashPlugin.description.indexOf(' 7.') != -1) flashVersion = 7; else flashVersion = 8; } } else if (agent.indexOf('msie') != -1 && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4 && agent.indexOf('win')!=-1 && agent.indexOf('16bit')==-1) { if (window.sqHasFlash || typeof(window.andale_fv) != 'undefined') { if (window.sqHasFlash || andale_fv >= 6) { flashVersion = 6; } } else { document.writeln(' '); document.writeln('on error resume next'); document.writeln('dim obFlash '); document.writeln('set obFlash = CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7")'); document.writeln('if IsObject(obFlash) then '); document.writeln('flashVersion = 7 '); document.writeln('else set obFlash = CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6") end if '); document.writeln('if flashVersion '); } } } if (flashVersion >= 6) { document.writeln(' ');document.writeln(' ');document.writeln(' ');document.writeln(' ');document.writeln(' ');document.writeln(' '); document.writeln(' ');document.writeln(' ');document.writeln(' '); document.writeln(' '); document.writeln('