upvc 3-section window in white
This 3 -section upvc window has 3 top opening vents and would be ideal for a *shed or similar structure in the garden. *[It really would not be suited to a bedroom due to the absence of any escape openers to the bottom section] The 3 bottom double glazed panes have been removed and stored separately - the buyer would need to be aware that when the window was removed by the builder who did a marvellous job to remove the window without damage but as does happen, the glazing beads have been misplaced - sorry! Hopefully at the price suggested, it should not be too much of a problem to replace any missing beads. I have another upvc door for sale, so please see my other ads. PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE HAS JUST BEEN A HOLD ON THIS ITEM TILL 1ST WEEK OF JULY - I WILL UPDATE THEN BUT PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ENQUIRE IN THE MEANTIME. Read More