Wendingen; Lot with 3 numbers: Johan Thorn Prikker + Mask
Lot includes:1. Masquerade number - number 6 + 7 of the 3rd series. Cover lithograph by RN Roland Holst - Amsterdam, De Hooge Brug, - paper cover - 33.5 x 33.5 cm.Condition: edges planed, especially the spine somewhat stained, binding ok.2. Johan Thorn Prikker - number 9 of the 9th series. Cover lithograph by RN Roland Holst - Amsterdam, Architectura et Amicitia, pp. - paper cover - 33.5 x 33.5 cm.Condition: edges planed, binding is almost loose.3. Litho/Wood carving/Etch - number 10 of the 9th series - Amsterdam, Architectura et Amicitia, pp. - paper cover - 33,5 x 33,5 cm.Condition: edges planed, binding ok.Registered shipping.(total 3) Read More