Wee Ride Baby Bike Seat
Only used a few times and kept inside, great bike seat, child seemed safer in between your arms than on the back of the bike. Only selling as child too big! The WeeRide Classic is the best front mounted child seat. This is because it isnāt actually front mounted, but is centre mounted. Front mounted seats put all the childās weight on the handlebars which means steering is more difficult, your child gets thrown around, and most importantly, are unsafe in our opinion if you need to stop quickly. Our centre mounted seat puts all the weight centrally and your child is safely wrapped in your arms. The first time you ride the seat you realise why the reviews are so good as it is such fun being able to chat to your child and point things out. KEY SALES POINTS A unique CENTRE MOUNTED bike seat for children Number 1 selling seat in the UK and US Recommended for ages from 1-4 years. Though can be used as soon as neck muscles are strong enough ie 6-9 months. Allows the rider to communicate with their child. Childās needs can be dealt with. Interesting view for the child, not just your back! Patented bar puts weight in centre of bike and not on front like other front seats No attachment to the handlebars which we believe is dangerous You feel the child is more secure with your arms around them. The seat can be fitted easily within 20 minutes The seat can be removed in seconds for solo riding Headrest for baby to sleep, which they do at an early age No dangling legs as moveable footrests Fits all bikes including oversized head tubes and full suspension of 16ā+ (except drop handle bars). Comes with its own bar so fits to Ladies and Mens bikes. 5 point safety strap and enclosed movable footrests for child safety COLLECTION ONLY! Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit