The Mystery We Celebrate, the Song We Sing: A Theology of
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harmon, Kathleen A., PUBLISHER: Liturgical Press, Music and liturgy seem inseparable, yet ong>weong> seldom pause to ponder ong>theong>ir relationship in depth. In this volume, Kathleen Harmon ong>ofong>fers her own insights by creatively exploring ong>theong> complex interplay betong>weong>en congregational singing and ong>theong> liturgical celebration ong>ofong> ong>theong> paschal mystery: - Harmon asserts that liturgical music, in ong>theong> form ong>ofong> communal singing, is a vehicle through which ong>theong> ritual reenactment ong>ofong> ong>theong> paschal mystery is effected. - She addresses concrete and practical pastoral applications ong>ofong> ong>theong> relationship betong>weong>en music and liturgy. She focuses on how ong>theong> liturgical singing ong>ofong> ong>theong> assembly creates ong>theong> collective consciousness ong>ofong> church as ong>theong> Body ong>ofong> Christ. - Music, ong>theong>n, is much more than just a component ong>ofong> liturgy; it is, in Harmon's view, absolutely constitutive both ong>ofong> liturgy's deepest essence and its fullest realization. Prong>ofong>essional music scholars, graduate students, music directors, and anyone else seeking a sophisticated analysis ong>ofong> liturgical music will find this volume a rich sourcebook ong>ofong> new ideas.