We provide business development solutions to the old
We help you choose your way. Welcome to Rindanum9 Limited (A Business Solution Company): Rindanum9 Limited in Ilford Essex stands for Business Solutions Company. We look after and support your company in all your processes, structures and human resource, all the way from short-term one-off activities to complete long-term projects, from small and medium-sized businesses right up to large corporations. Our goal is to provide integrated, sustainable solutions and support in every challenge your company may face. Services and expertise. Business Development: Producing reports and recommendations for appropriate marketing and sales strategies, matching with the sales targets, for the senior management. Business development analysis. E-Marketing. Process Improvement, Procurement Best Practice. Examining and reporting on company's departmental structures, chain of command, information flow and evaluating efficiency of existing operations. Supply Chain Management. Identifying Opportunities for Growth. Identifying the requirements and need for the business. Supply of Resources. Holding discussions with employer/client to have an accurate idea of his needs and requirements, carrying out surveys accordingly, analysing customers' reactions to product, packaging, price, etc. Developing the process to keep an update with the products and competitors activities. HR Services: Staff Recruitment. Preparation of j ob descriptions, drafting advertisements and interviews of candidates. Producing and Maintaining the Contract of Employment. Employee Handbook. Employee Payroll. Monitoring of employee's performance and career development needs. Staff education, coaching, up skilling, training and counselling. Health and Safety Policies. Career Development and Employee Retention: Rindanum9 can provide professional support, way to implements policies of the business effectively without creating conflicts. We develop/review your employee appraisal scheme or employee retention scheme to achieve staff dedication and loyalty. Our professional team ensures statutory procedures are followed within the business, with particular emphasis on effective management to reduce risk. We monitor day-to-day management of the your concerned area(s) or service(s) and provide leadership training to staff. Rindanum9 oversees the preparation of job descriptions, drafts advertisements and interviews your candidates; and monitor of employee performance and career development needs. Personnel Training and Functional Skills Development Rindanum9 assesses training requirements for your staff and prepares skills development tutorial. We supervise trainee development, assists trainees with difficulties and prepare regular progress reports on each trainee for management. We plan organizational structure and motivational plan for staff development and optimum growth to your business. Our Professional team advises you on training programs and specified skills set required in your business. We determine your staffing needs and their existing skills. Vocational Training and Staff Fulfillment Rindanum9 examines and reports on company and departmental structures, chains of command, information flows, etc. and evaluates efficiency of existing operations. We have experienced professionals to train required skills and full fill your staff requirements. Rindanum9 considers alternative work procedures to improve productivity and reduce cost. We use an interview session, questionnaire and other assessment strategies to determine the aptitude, preferences and knowledge of your potential employee. We have associated educational partners to develop young talent and ensure they are fully trained to work and contribute in local economy. Not only this, Rindanum9 went an extra mile to help in boosting UK economy and continuously helping young talented individuals to find jobs or support to become a successful entrepreneurs. Rindanum9 monitors progress and welfare of young people in employment and advises them on current market demands or any difficulties.