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7 DOORS REMOVED AND 7 NEW DOORS FITTED +little piece of skirting board sorting
Looking for free/cheap washing machine as moving into first flat and have nothing in there as of yet and am in a desperate situation. I don't drive so ideally delivery to SA11 Melyn neath, by castle bingo. Or I may be able to sort something out if very local. Needs to be fully working too If you can help at all please contact me Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit
WANTED.. Harrows, Old tractor, Trailer.. Please contact us if you have machinery you no longer use or need.. We urgently need these things and more so will happily consider anything you may have.. We are also short on buckets, feeders, water troughs, fencing etc.. Please contact us with what you have and prices please..Shires Holt Horse Sanctuary..We also need any equine equipment..
URGENTLY wanted I've been trying all day to get tropical fish for my little boys birthday in the morning I have tank everything but can get a tropical fish over 5" to 6" can anybody help anywhere I don't drive so local areas wishaw motherwell would be great please get back to me ASAP
If you have any children's bedroom furniture ie bunk beds wardrobes or draws they are urgently needed for 3 kids in 2 bedrooms. Will pay as much as we can. Up to £100
Urgent grazing needed in Deal or Mongeham. Stables not needed. For a single pony. Friendly yard please:) Read More
One year old English Springer Spaniel is urgently looking for a loving and caring home. Due to relocation we are unable to take her with us. This is difficult and sad but live must go on. Vicky is healthy, fun loving girl. She loves water and swimming. Will do anything for a ball game) She got all shots up to date and has a microchip. She is fully house trained. Love people but is a bit timid with other dogs.
Plz does anyone around Lincolnshire area have a washing machine to gift must be in working order as mine has just broken if u have then plz get in touch Read More
Me and my girlfriend are going away to the Maldives for 2 weeks and need somebody to walk, feed and occasionally groom our beloved Corgi Toodles. He is very low maintenance and is extremely friendly, we leave on November 14th and return on the 28th. £100 a day cash in hand and he must be walked twice a day to ensure that he is ready for competition in the new year. Please call if you are interested. Many thanks, Cameron
Laptop Needed urgently Intel Core i3, i5 or i7 cash waiting, can collect but must be very cheap as on a student budget. I I Will consider Apple Mac Book Pro. Please call or text with what you have. Can pay £250 dependent on specification.
Cheap i5 or i7 laptop wanted urgently, must be cheap can pay instant cash call
Free if possible needed urgently as in unfurnished flat Read More
Needed urgently free if possible Read More
Washing machine urgently needed please, been without one now for 10 weeks and always relying on people to help out is really getting to me. Have two children who still wee the bed often so as you can imagine it's frustrating!! Read More
My invacare pronto m61 has broken down and I can't get anyone to repair it for at least a I'm now trapped indoors until I can find a replacement. If anyone has a similar chair, reasonably priced (or kind enough to borrow it to me), and able to deliver it to me in Caerleon - please contact me asap please. Thanks in advance! Read More
Land for smallholding/ horses urgently required to rent or buy within 5 miles of Street/Glastonbury. Read More
Tools needed urgently for projects in the Philippines. Any basic tools which are not needed would be lovely. I'm doing projects in the Philippines and would appreciate any tools which you don't need. Tools and toys are welcomed. Thank you Read More
Urgently needed grazing for two gelded cobs, stables an advantage but not essential, Hurley, atherstone b, coleshill, and surrounding areas, unfortunately the land we are on currently is being sold Read More
for a very handsome 13: 2hh Welsh Sec. C gelding stabled in Wokingham. Read More
I have a retired mare who is no bother whatsoever need grazing ASAP as land being repaired. Read More
5* Home awaiting. Can pick up ASAP. Due to sudden death of partner. I have a very sad Alpaca that hasn't stopped crying since loss of partner last Friday.. Read More
Newborn - 5 months + pram!! Preferably black/unisex colours as for little boy. Read More
Alpaca NEEDED he has been alone now for months and we need to find him a friend/s as he is getting very depressed please message and we are happy to collect.. Read More
My dear friend who is 60 has been forced to move home and as such has no under counter fridge. She has to leave milk, cheese etc outside her back door. She is on a limited budget but I'm happy to help her. If you have an unwanted fridge that's in good/clean condition could you please let me know. She lives in Hastings and I'm in Swindon and happy to collect locally and deliver to her. I really hope you can help. Many thanks Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit